• ResolvedPlugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    This is an e-mail I received from shoalsummitsoltions.com today and moved it here.


    im using your Game Schedules Plugin and tried to do a localisation in German. I used PoEdit and translated the default.po/mo files that a found in the LANG dir.

    I edited the PHP File in this:

    //      MSTW localization domain
            $mstw_domain = 'mstw-loc-domain-de_DE.mo';
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Set up localization
    add_action( 'init', 'mstw_load_localization' );
    function mstw_load_localization( ) {
            global $mstw_domain;
        load_plugin_textdomain( $mstw_domain, false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/lang/' );
    } // end custom_theme_setup

    But i dont have success?

    Could you tell me what am i missing or maybe doin wrong?



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  • Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hi Christian,
    First note that I only enabled internationalization on the user side, not the admin site (edit screens, etc.).

    You almost have it, but you’re working a bit too hard. You should NOT make any edits to the .php files to create a new translation. Put them back the way they were. Then:

    • Open the lang/default.po file, enter the German translations, then save it as lang/mstw-loc-domain-de_DE.po. (Two files will be saved the .po and a .mo. The .po file is editable, the .mo is not.)
    • Next edit your wp-config file, which should be in the root directory of your WordPress site. Find the line:
      define ('WPLANG', '');

      and change it to

      define ('WPLANG', 'de_DE');

    Let me know if this works for you. And if you will please send me the de_DE.po file, I will include it in the next release.


    Hello Mark,

    thanks for the advice!

    I reinstalled the original files and now it works like it should.

    Regarding the German Lang File i could send it to you but i think it makes not that much sense because i use it in a very specific way, e.g. as for OPPONENT the correct translation would be ?Gegner“ – but i call it ?Turnier“ (Tourney), because i use it for Billards.

    One more thing:

    In the Countdown widget it would be fine to have a possibility to set a number of games that will show up instead of only 1 game a time. Is that doable and how?


    One more thing:

    I change the time format from Month Day Year —> Day Month Year (is more convinient in Europe).

    No i get an Error that says :

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /wp-content/plugins/game-schedules/mstw-game-schedule.php on line 1282

    I dunno wether or not this has something to do with the date format change?

    Any suggestions?

    I solved the Error message – seemed, that i had forgotten to enter the correct time for the event.

    Now the error is gone.

    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Great. Glad to hear that.

    Yes, you have to be very careful about the time format. The code is brittle – I need to add more robust error checking.

    In the FAQ for version 2.1 (released today) I added some information on setting the date-time group format in various places.

    So I am calling both of these topics resolved.


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