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  • Hey,
    why the translation does not work? what file format be? Is eg. Theme-my-login-xx_XX??

    Thank you!

    pistachoverde Did you upload the translation files?

    I have translated some text but not TML completely yet so I’d be great if you could share your files with us.

    It looks like the language directory has been renamed in the plugin. /wp-content/plugins/theme-my-login/languages language should be plural since thats the path used in the load_textdomain. Thats why po mo werent working for me in v 6.4.3

    Локализация не работает в стабильной версии. Вы вообще это тестировали??? Скорее всего нет, потому что имя папки с локализациями language, а плагин пытается их загрузить из languages. Исправьте это.

    Localization not work in stable version. Do you tested it??? Probably not , because the folder with localizations named “language”, but plugin tries get them from “languages”. Fix it.

    Who are the ones able to validate translations? I’ve seen a lot of translations almost a month old and still not validated.

    Версия 6.4.4. Положил в папку wp-content/plugins/theme-my-login/languages/ два файла и theme-my-login-ru_RU.po заработало!
    Файл .po скачал с Zanata ( прямая ссылка ) открыл в программе Poedit и сохранил. Таким образом появился файл .mo который тоже должен быть для правильной работы перевода.

    Version 6.4.4.
    Its working now if you’ll put in wp-content/plugins/theme-my-login/languages/
    two files theme-my-login-xx_XX.po and
    You can create .mo file if open and save your translated .po in Poedit prog.

    I already know that, I just want to use generated files as it will be easier to use for future updates.

    I’m just asking why is it taking so long for them to accept translations.
    Is there any way to apply as a Translate Reviewer for your plugin? I’ve seen that I have to talk with the team but that team seems to work only on WordPress translation.

    MED77, спасибо! Помогло. Thanks a lot!

    I’ve tried translate to spanish, in the last version 6.4.4.
    I’ve maked the files .mo and .po but it don’t translate all strings.
    The title of widget (log in, … ) and the down links haven’t changed

    Any suggestion?
    Thank you



    @fredipl Where do you upload the files? Which folder?

    You have to upload the files into wp-content/language/plugins/



    why the translation does not work? what file format be? Is eg. Theme-my-login-xx_XX?

    @tarod @macrr I’ve tried in wp-content/language/plugins/ and wp-content/plugins/theme-my-login/languages with the names: and theme-my-login-es_Es.po

    But the stings “Log In” “Log Out” and links “Lost Password” and “Register” hasn’t changed (down, in right column)



    @fredipl We could talk via email if you want so I can send you my mo & po files.

    Thank you @tarod. My email is [email protected]



    Sorry but i can’t figure how zenata works… i prefer translating by my own with poedit. I’m working on a french translation. For those who can’t figure how come their translation are not working, you have to use the name of the plugin : theme-my-login-fr_FR.po (example) and copy it into the language sub folder of the plugin.

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