Hey @markuskosonen and @peva92
This is a bug in the plugin and we will be releasing a fix this week ??
Until we release the fix please replace the following line in the file /product-enquiry-for-woocommerce/includes/class-product-enquiry-for-woocommerce.php:
load_plugin_textdomain( 'product-enquiry-for-woocommerce', false, WDM_PE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/languages/' );
load_plugin_textdomain( 'product-enquiry-for-woocommerce', false, dirname( WDM_PE_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) . '/languages' );
Also, add the following code in the file /product-enquiry-for-woocommerce/product-enquiry-for-woocommerce.php just after the code
define( 'WDM_PE_PLUGIN', __FILE__ );
at line 25:
define( ‘WDM_PE_PLUGIN_BASENAME’, plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) );
Please test this at your end and let us know if the issue is resolved for you ??
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by