• Hello!

    I am fixing some bad translations and changing certain strings to say other things in WordPress using the “gettext” filter. It works very well, but I am a bit concerned about the maintenance aspect of it all.

    When core updates causes the strings to change, my strings will not be valid anymore. I will therefore have to keep a list of all changed strings, and check them after each update.

    Is there a better way? I am specifically talking about the strings on the login page, the reset password page and the forgot password page.

    Are there POT or PO-files to use, so I can use a plugin such as Loco Translate to always be sure that my strings will never change on any update?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    If you’ve implemented your gettext filtering through your own custom plugin, your strings won’t change, but the default strings your are looking to change could change. You could keep a backup of the .po files (in /wp-content/languages/) containing the problem strings, then use a diff utility after updates to see what has changed. It’s a maintenance burden any way you look at it.

    If you feel the translations into your language of WP core strings (or those of themes and plugins in the repository) are poorly implemented, I’d encourage you to get involved with the Polyglots team where you can have a say in how certain strings are translated.

    @dekadinious Thank you for the corrections/suggestions to nb_NO for WordPress Core! Should be distributed in a few hours.

    You may contact us at WordPress Norway Slack indstance, channel #oversettelser Welcome!

    Thread Starter Dekadinious


    Great, no problem! ??

    I was wondering if there is a better way to do what I want. Let’s say I want some other strings there, and I don’t want to call it a “translation” or manually check after each update.

    Are there any hooks that can remove the original text and add my own here?

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