RE: Author just dont want to undestand problem!
I assure you that I do understand.
RE: Thank you for link, its solution but I want from author to add it into module, bcz this way I cant update his plugin…
As mentioned in my reply in the other thread, I have indeed added the suggested code. I am awaiting their feedback as the code I added was a little different from the code they are using.
This solution should work so as long as the default value of the title is not changed. Sort of… if the value is changed, then in WPML, you would have to search for the changed value instead of the default value. Because of this, I do not really consider this to the solution but because it can be made to work with only a very minor change in code I am willing and have made the change.
RE: also its a different plugin.., Its easy table of contents, not table of contents…
The other user was only referencing the other plugin as an example because their proposed solution is similar since the code for Easy Table of Contents originated from Table of Contents Plus.
RE: This topic is not resolved.
I do apologize but I do consider this issue resolved so we’ll have to agree to disagree. When version 2.0 is released, you’ll have a method that can be made to work with WPML.