Translate "Read More" tag to Spanish
Hello all,
I’, trying to translate the “Read More” tag to Spanish “Seguir leyendo” but I can’t find the way to do it.
Can you please help me?
Many thanks in advance,
David Sánchez
Hi David,
The easiest way to translate Minamaze is to use the fantastic Codestyling Localization plugin. You can download the plugin for free right here from Here’s a link to the plugin page:
Simply download the plugin and us it to create the relevant spanish language file. You may find the following YouTube video useful on learning how to use the Codestyling Localization plugin:
Let me know if you have any problems and I’ll be sure to help. Minamaze is fully compatible with this plugin, so hopefully you wont run into problems.
Hello !
Many thanks for your help but I have this error message on the Codestyle Localization
Malfunction at current Theme detected!
Name: Minamaze | Author: ThinkUpThemes
Below listed scripts has been automatically stripped because of injection:
? you help me?
Because I can change the translation and do the .mo file but it’s not working.
Many thanks again !
Hi David,
That isn’t technically an error. The plugin will prevent any scripts that are not core WordPress from loading. You can still use the plugin. That script is a Minamaze specific script so won’t actually cause any issues.
If you create the translation files, then scan and then output the .mo and .po files you can then use the translated files. You’ll need to change the line wplang in your wp-config file also to match the language name.
Have you changed your wp-config file yet? Note, that this process is not theme specific so if you do get stuck you can just google for a translation tutorial and you should fine one.
Let me know how you get on.
Hello again,
Finally I found it without using the codestyle localization.
You need only to modify the file homepage.php on the location
The codestyle localization wasn’t working.
Many thanks,
Hi David,
I really wouldn’t edit that file. That is where you’ll find the core code, however your changes will be overwritten in a theme update. Minamaze is definitely 100% compatible with Codestyling Localization, many of our users translate using it.
If you like I can arrange for someone to walk you through the translation process.
Hi there.
I installed the “Minamaze” plugin. I have generated the “es_ES.po” files and “”. I have checked the language in the “wp-config.php” file and the translation does not work, eg “Read More” to “Leer más” or “Search” to “Buscar”
A greeting.Hi guys,
@davidsanchezdegroeve and @fexco
Apologies, yes you are right. The translation functionality needs a slight adjustment. This will be fixed in the next update.
In the meantime this is how to get the translation working correctly.
- Open functions.php
- Go to line 57
- Change /lib/languages to /languages
If anyone is having trouble with this specific fix please contact us through our main site and we’ll help with this issue.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused! We’ll work with you to get it sorted so you can go about translating as normal.
After change the line 57 in functions.php (/lib/languages to /languages), the theme show again the same text.
A greeting.
Hi Félix,
As mentioned in the meantime until the fix is in place we’re happy to offer support through our main site for this 1 issue. The above correction has been tested on our end and it’s working fine.
Please contact us and we’ll get a meeting setup.
Thanks for the replies.
I’ll wait to update it.
A greeting.
It worked perfectly for me. Thank you very much!
Dear ThinkUpThemes:
I’d like to offer, as a courtesy, the theme translation to Portuguese and Spanish if you like to add to the original package.
m.Esto es lo que yo hice y me funciono.
Entrar al hosting.
Ir a sus Archivos
Buscar el archivo 02.homepage.php
Abrirlo con el editor de texto preferido
Buscar donde dice ‘Read More’ (lo encontré 4 veces)
Cambiar por el texto que usted elija (por ejemplo… Leer más).
Guardar los cambios y cerrar.
Verificar los cambios en el blog.Recuerde que siempre es conveniente crear una copia de respaldo antes de hacer cambios.
Thank you very much for the kind offer! Can you contact us over at and we’ll give you the details of where to send the relevant files. Thanks again! ??
Thanks for the instructions for users. In the next update this string will be translation ready. Thanks for the great feedback!
Hi There
I’ve used the Codestyling Localization plugin for tranlating many of the labels. However if the plugin cannot find the “Home” label. Any ideas how can I change/translate it ?
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