In order to translate a plugin you need to use a translation software that will let you edit a .PO (or .POT) file and create a .MO file from it. One of the most widely used programs to accomplish this is Poedit.
In Educator, you should open the wp-content/plugins/ibeducator/languages/ibeducator.pot file and create the .MO file after entering your translations. You should save your .MO file as ibeducator-[language_code]_[COUNTRY_CODE].mo (examples: ibeducator-en_US.mo, ibeducator-de_DE.mo, etc). Once you get this file, you can paste it into the wp-content/languages/plugins directory (example: wp-content/languages/plugins/ibeducator-en_US.mo). Some notes about Poedit.
Also, you can use a WordPress plugin to create translations. For example, Loco Translate.