• Resolved prodefu


    Hi Enrico,

    Great work, this plugin! But how/where can I translate the default country names that popup when you hover the map?

    Would be great if you somehow could include them into the .POT file, so I can translate them myself with Loco Translate.

    Other option might be to hide the default country name, if the label popup is filled (on the ‘subdivisions’ tab), to prevent showing a double country name.

    But for now I could really use a quickfix, hope you can help me.


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  • Plugin Author Enrico Urbinati


    Hi prodefu and thanks for enjoying RVM!

    I’ve created a page where you can find some useful tiops answering your questions: https://www.responsivemapsplugin.com/tips-tricks-answering-common-questions-you-may-come-up-with-using-rvm-plugin/

    Unfortunately is not possible using the .POT files as the subdivions names reside in the javascript files generate the maps.

    You should use instead and alternately to tips page the wp_localize_script function in /inc/wp_localize_script.

    Then, after creating the variables, use them in the map javascript files.

    I hope this helps,
    Have a nice day

    Thread Starter prodefu


    Hi Enrico,

    Thanks for your quick response, this helped me out for now. I even managed to display special caracters correctly, thanks to this list. Maybe a useful link to include in your tips&tricks?

    When do you expect to implement translation options for this issue? I suppose there must be some way to load all the labels from the regions-data JS files and to replace them? It would improve the plugin even further. So I hope you can find a way and time to implement it.

    Final question for now: won’t the modified JS file be overwritten when I update the plugin?

    Plugin Author Enrico Urbinati


    Hi prodefu,

    if you will modify a default map coming with RVM yes, it will be overwritten by next RVM vesrion.

    Just backup it/them and reinstall them once upgraded !

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