• hi. can i make translatable sign up for my users? wordpress.com have this example: en.wordpress.com/signup fa.wordpress.com/signup

    i foud these code at wp-signup.php

    // Make the signup type translatable.
    $i18n_signup[‘all’] = _x(‘all’, ‘Multisite active signup type’);
    $i18n_signup[‘none’] = _x(‘none’, ‘Multisite active signup type’);
    $i18n_signup[‘blog’] = _x(‘blog’, ‘Multisite active signup type’);
    $i18n_signup[‘user’] = _x(‘user’, ‘Multisite active signup type’);

    but i dont know what i can do with these codes. can i make translatable my sign up for all languages (at /wpcontent/languages) ?

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  • Sushyant, you mean, you have your blog multisite and each site is for different language, e.g.:

    and what you expect is
    1. when a user logs into at somthing.com/en you want him/her to see all his/her panel options in English
    2. when a user logs into at somthing.com/fr you want him/her to see all his/her panel options in French
    and so on?

    If so, I solved it this way:
    1. In my theme I have the languages subdirectory with en_US.mo, de_DE.mo, fr_FR.mo, … files

    2. For each site (en/fr/de/…), I went to Settings->General and set the field “Site language”, appropriate for each language.

    Or maybe you’ve been dealing with something totally different and I misunderstood you…

    Ups, the directory languages is in the wp-content folder of course. In my theme I have another subdirectory with the same name (languages) for translations of all the theme dependent strings.

    Sushyant, I just want to add, that choosing the site language in Setting->General (for each subsite) also effects the wp-signup.php page.

    I’ve just tested it. Yet I had some problems because when I tried to use any subsite e.g.: something.com/fr/wp-signup.php, WP was redirecting me to main site. I found a ticket for that and it seams to be solved since version 3.0.1, yet I use 3.0.4 and strangely it is still not working right (still redirects to main site). I hacked my WP core file (wp-signup.php – not to redirect) and then tested the language settings. It works fine for the wp-signup.php

    Please let me know if you also have this redirecting problem when using wp-signup.php

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