• noodledoodle



    I’ve just started using WordPress and very impressed so far!

    Before I get too carried away, I wonder if someone would be kind enough to give me a little guidance?

    Here’s what I’m thinking of doing:

    I have an existing website up and running. I have installed WP in its own folder ‘blog’ with my webhost, with the main site sitting in the root folder.

    I want to get a blog up and running, linked to and from the existing website.

    I’d like to start to build out a new site using WP as a CMS.

    – Presumably I could build the webpages and just not publish?
    – How would I go about building the menus etc without it going live?
    – How do I make the transition to the main domain when I want to replace the existing .html pages with the new WP website?

    Or am I better off waiting for my blog until the entire site is built?

    Sorry this is long! Figured I should get it clear in my mind before I start doing work and get into a muddle.

    Many thanks in advance.

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  • Adamstar1


    Hosting your website on localhost can let you edit your website and see how it works before taking it live.

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