The good folks at were able to transfer my subscribers over.
I’m happy to transfer the users who have subscribed to your blog either by email or via the Reader.
Please keep in mind that while your email subscribers will continue to receive email notifications of new posts as before, followers will only see new posts in the Reader. They will not receive email updates unless they subscribe to receive those on your new site. You might want to post a notice on your old site about your upcoming move to keep your readers informed.
I then had a couple questions: Once you transfer them across, will they still receive email notifications from my old posts? My plan is, once my new site goes live, I will sign up for the redirect service. Obviously, I can’t post a message to my current subscribers until my new site is live, otherwise there’s no site for them to go to, in order to resubscribe.
So, do I need to post the message before you transfer them or will it not make any difference?
“…The transfer should complete in a couple of hours. If you post on your Jetpack site now, your followers will receive a notification in the Reader; you could invite them to subscribe to your new site via email as well, once you have added the Subscription widget to the sidebar of your new site.
You can also use the Jetpack subscription widget shortcode: add the following shortcode to any of your posts and pages to insert a subscription form:
Only problem is, just be aware of any time difference. I’m in Australia and wp tech support is in the US (i assume), so this email arrived in my inbox just after midnight when I was fast asleep in bed, and woke the next morning to read it and realised I never got the chance to post that info in time before the changeover. So all my wp followers will not receive the message to sign up via email unless they somehow think to look in their wp Reader.