• electroncricket


    I am transferring a web site (not a blog) from a CMS called Populate over to Word Press, from one hosting to a different hosting. I don’t have access to the source files on the current host. (Long story short, I’m not a code/site thief: the owner of the site business and its domain is locked out by her former admin. She asked me to help her transfer her site.) So… I’m looking at a lot of copying and pasting — field by field! — of the content from Populate over to Word Press.
    QUESTION: Is there a more efficient way to do this? I can grab source code from View Source, of course, but what good is that for plugging wholesale into Word Press? Or is there a way to do that? (Fingers crossed!)
    Thanks a ton!

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  • Mike Schinkel


    Can you write PHP? If so you could write a crawler use the WP_Http class in WordPress to crawl the site and create new content in WordPress.

    Thread Starter electroncricket


    Sadly, I don’t have php skills. Other ideas?

    Mike Schinkel


    Sadly, not that I can think of. Besides hiring someone to do it, that is.

    Thread Starter electroncricket


    Hey Mike, thanks. I figured it might require something like that. I suppose I should get myself educated in PHP — for a lot of reasons. Not the least of which that this is not the first time I will have transfered an entire CMS site to another — all copy and pasting, one field at time! Thanks again! –C

    Mike Schinkel


    Also, you might find more help for coding at https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/

    Thread Starter electroncricket


    Cool, I’ll check it out. Much thanks!



    How many pages are there?

    Thread Starter electroncricket


    Well,it’s not big, but the site varies a bit because of its nature. It’s a non-profit, and the most important aspect is showing off animals for adoption. The pet adoption part varies with the number of animals needing homes. The address is: petsinc.org . And the adoptoin part is here: https://petsinc.org/availabledogs.php . You have some thought about how it could be done better than cut n paste? ??

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