These options work fine ?? These options were tested a few hundred times at least, in very different installs, and always worked ??
However, since WooCommerce comes with default translations already, packaged in the plugin – though they are incomplete and not so good – you have to delete these lang files manually from /plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/ and /plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages/ Only then my options will take full effect. If these other files are still there, then those strings WILL be loaded, if wp-config.php is set to German locale.
Also, the options in my plugin are only for WooCommerce translations, NOT for the whole install!
If you want to your install in the admin in English you have to use additional plugins like this one:
This whole thing has nothing to do with my plugin or even WooCommerce it is because how WordPress loads translations…
The setting in my plugin for loading locations is for very special use cases, in Multisite or such. In most cases users let load translations in frontend + Admin.
Thanks, Dave ??