• I have a client that has proprietary formulas and calculations that when a user inputs their data, they are given certain results that they can utilize. This information is only given once a user has paid for its subscription to utilize this process/program.

    The question is, if my clients uses WordPress to show this process, does he/she give up their rights to that process since WordPress is an open source framework and falls under the GPL license agreement?

    Can he/she patent and/or trademark this process when utilizing WordPress as a means to show this process?

    Or does he/she still retain ownership of the the trademark/patent and that WordPress is just a means of displaying the process?

    This process or program will not be distributed as a download. A user merely would login to utilize the program?

    Does he/she retain the ownership of the content, process/program on the site?

    Any help in answering these questions, some or all would greatly be appreciated.


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  • does he/she give up their rights to that process since WordPress is an open source framework and falls under the GPL license agreement?

    No – only WordPress itself is released under GPL. The copyright of the site’s content is an entirely different matter.

    Can he/she patent and/or trademark this process when utilizing WordPress as a means to show this process?


    Or does he/she still retain ownership of the the trademark/patent and that WordPress is just a means of displaying the process?


    Does he/she retain the ownership of the content, process/program on the site?


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