I am also seeing the same problem on three of my blogs, and nothing I tried so far seems to have helped:
1. Updated Piwik — it’s now on 2.0.2
2. Updated WP — 3.8
3. Updated WP-Piwik —
4. Configuration — reset, no difference
5. Auth token — reset password, copied new token, no difference
I also unticked “Enable cache” under WP-Piwik -> Piwik Settings — no difference.
I get two different errors:
– under “Home”:
An error occured: Piwik did not answer. Please check your entered Piwik URL.
– under “Piwik Settings”:
An error occured: Please check URL and auth token. You need at least view access to one site.
Of course, both the URL and auth token are correct (please note, this happens on three different blogs).
Piwik itself works perfectly fine, which is evident when I add the tracking code manually; however WP-Piwik itself does not add any code.
Running the tests under “Support” however gives correct results:
*** Test 1/2: SitesManager.getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess ***
HTTP/1.1 200 OK, expected XML
*** Test 2/2: SitesManager.getSitesIdFromSiteUrl ***
HTTP/1.1 200 OK, expected XML
Maybe a useful hint is that the “Get site configuration details” link does not seem to get the right Piwik ID for the site, even though it does get the title and URL.
If I can venture a guess, are we facing a problem parsing the XML maybe?
Thanks for any help and please let me know if I can provide more information.