• Recently, without any changes in plugins, the pingbacks and trackbacks between two of my hostgator hosted websites do not work. Up until I believe the update to 4.5.1 I was able to see self pings within by blog (https://constructionlawva.com) and pings from my blog to my other website (https://christopherhill-law.com) in the comments queue or auto approved. Now they do not show up at all.

    However, pings/trackbacks from other sites that scrape my blog seem to work. I’ve of course auto placed these into the trash but the reason for this piece of information is that the issue seems to be between my two sites.

    I have tried pings with and without my spam blocking plugins enabled with the same results.

    I have trackbacks and pingbacks allowed on both sites. This has been going on for about three weeks.

    My concerns are two fold:

    1. I hope that google will still crawl the links that are both internal and otherwise
    2. I have no way of knowing if there is an issue.

    If this is normal behavior for new wordpress sites, then I’ll stop worrying, but otherwise does anyone have any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Moderator t-p


    Ask your hosting provider if they support pingbacks and trackbacks. Some may not as protection against trackback and pingback spam by default.

    Thread Starter constructionlaw


    I checked with my hosting provider, Hostgator, and they did not have any such protection. Any other thoughts?

    Thread Starter constructionlaw


    It isn’t any of my plugins, I just disabled them all with the same issue

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