• Hi,
    Someone did a trackback to a post in my newly installed WP2.0, but i don’t get any notification of this. I have a custom blog address format, and followed the instructions of what to put in the .htaccess. Everything else seems to work fine. Is there any way i can test tracking back to my own blog easily ?

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  • remko, I got three or four from tamba today. All at 1:55am.
    lol.. I guess there’s a delay or something.
    I vote that WordPress go back to the original way of trackbacks and pings because the new way doesn't speed anything up anyway and is in fact much slower.

    I second that motion.

    Oh, I forgot that it also doesn’t work. LOL.

    Stupid question here. forgive me if I’m ignorant…
    What would happen if I downloaded an updated update script and used that to umm.. “reupdate”?
    Would I just be asking for trouble?
    I’ve seen in trac (can’t remember where), that the update.php script was changed, specifically for trackbacks…..

    update: here it is

    Well, 2170 is fixed by this:

    has anyone tried that patch?

    has anyone tried that patch?

    Yeah, I tried it when you posted it back on page 1. No effect.

    yeah, sorry about that. I’ve found the nightly builds.

    I downloaded the one from 01-03-2006
    Guess I’ll try that and see what happens.
    One thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes when I apply a patch, there will be other patches that I should have done along with it. It’s all so hard to keep track of.

    latest nightly doesn’t work, either…

    I experiencee the same problem: https://www.hiegl.net/archives/273

    I made two additional WP installations (2.0 and 1.52) for testing it. The WP 2.0 trackback function is definitly broken or it uses a new way of trackbacking my server does not support.

    Maybe an moderator is able to explain the new technique WP 2.0 uses for trackbacking and what should be enabled within my server.

    mwhiegl, my upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0 is what I think broke it.
    I did a new installation of 2.0 and it functions fine.
    I think something goes awry when the update.php script does it’s song and dance.

    I upgraded from 1.5.2 to 2.0 and can’t send trackbacks either. I can receive them fine, so half a function must be better than no function at all, right? OK, maybe not.

    I’d be interested in getting it fixed and also in reverting back to the 1.5x trackback/pingback functionality. The new delay (when it works) is problematic and unreliable, it seems, but I’ll live with it if we can get 2.0 to send actually trackbacks at all.

    xenogere, there’s an open trac ticket here to look into it.

    In the meantime, I’ve been using Wizbang’s standalone trackback pinger to send trackbacks
    Kind of annoying to have to do that, but it works.

    Thanks, citeewurkor. I’ve been using the standalone tool as well since that’s now the only way to send them (and the best way to test receiving them).

    I’ve learned my lesson about being too eager to upgrade. Next time I’ll wait until the .1 release.

    I’ve learned my lesson about being too eager to upgrade. Next time I’ll wait until the .1 release.
    Yeah, I’ll probably wait, too. On the other hand, I’ve probably learned more about how WordPress works in the last week, than I have the whole year I’ve been using it. ??

    Next time I’ll wait until the .1 release.

    That’s what I usually do. This is the first time in a long time that I used a new release. Has anyone heard from a developer yet?

    “I did a new installation of 2.0 and it functions fine.”

    Are you sure? My new installation (wp200.hiegl.net) does not work.

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