• Is it possible to automatically get rid of this without having all trackbacks sent to moderation or turning off trackbacks altogether?

    The plugins I have installed regarding this are:
    Moderate Trackbacks
    Spam Karma
    Mod-Rewrite Trackback Spam Blocker

    None of them stop the many trackback spam messages I’m getting on a daily basis from coming through fully.

    Any ideas?

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  • I agree with MacManX. Don’t shoot for 100% or any such hard number. If it happens it happens. Preventing spam is always a moving target. If you find yourself resting for sometime consider yourself lucky.

    Disabling trackbacks are a surefire way to tackle most of your spams on its own. Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t allow you to disable trackbacks only, leaving pingbacks intact which are legit.

    Moderator James Huff


    That is, until the spammers figure out how to send pingbacks.

    I find this conversation fascinating. I, too, use BB and SK2 hand in hand. I never really thought about spammers being attracted to the message, “BB has killed x number of spams..” I’m going to conduct my own experiment. I changed the characters in the sentence. ie B@d Beha@vi0r h@s killed …”, etc.
    I’ll report back in a few days to see if it made a difference.

    Ever since I installed BB, it repels almost 2000 attempts a day. SK2 catches about 30 spams a day that get through.
    I’m not sure what I would do without these two plugins.

    Well, it’s been a few days and it actually seems like the modification I made to my “BB has killed x number of spams” is working. Since my last post about 8 days ago, BB has only had to kill an average of 10,000 spam attempts in 7 days instead of my usual 13-14,000 attempts.
    I’ve also recently installed Referrer Karma, so I don’t know if that has had anything to do with it.

    nobody ever uses trackback on my modest blog. after 2 years of blogging, the only trackbacks have been for poker and viagra sites – so I just turned it off… that should take care of it!

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Almost three months after installing BB and SKII on my two blogs, 3 spam comments finally got through on one of them. I didn’t have the latest SK2 installed, so I did that, and upped the security level to “Kinda Mean”.

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