Hi Roberta
You definitely can, but it will require some custom coding
Here a reference to Google documentation on how to track custom events on your site
In this case you’ll need to track Add to Wishlist event; in order to do so, you’ll need to listen for added_to_wishlist
event, as such
jQuery(document).on( 'added_to_wishlist', function( ev, t ) {
let product_id = parseInt( t.attr( 'data-product-id' ) );
ga( 'send', {
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'Wishlist',
eventAction: 'add',
eventValue: product_id
} );
} );
Of course you’ll need to include this snippet in your page (you can use wp_add_inline_script for this) and make sure that GA library is already loaded (otherwise a js error will be triggered)
Similar tracking could be done for Remove from wishlist (removed_from_wishlist
event), if needed