• When using a link with the “tel” format.. like:


    The plugin breaks the link.. returning an open string which causes some markup behind it to break until it hits the next string delimiter to close the open string. I verified this by turning of the “Track outbound clicks & download ” option. With that option off, the tel link is fine and works normally. When I turn that feature on… it breaks the tel link, as described.


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  • I think it is a bug. I have the same problem. Turning on the “Track outbound clicks & download ” option breaks some functionality.

    What happens is that a link that is placed between single quotes like this:

    onclick="window.open('url', ...

    is replaced by a link between a single and double quote:

    onclick="window.open('url", ...

    Which breaks the onclick functionality.

    I disabled the option for now and will wait for an update that fixes this bug.

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