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  • Sure will, in fact I’ve got some updates in the pipeline now that should be out to the stable release here shortly ( sometime today )

    Thanks for the kind words!

    Thread Starter Chris M.


    This right here proves my point! ?? You’re awesome…

    Seriously consider making an affordable paid version. Or get some help from other developers. We would all love to see this baby continue!

    I have a question for you on Google+, here:

    Yup, I’ve been considering both. I’m not real sure about a “pro” version but i do like the idea of “daughter” plugins that add specific functionality be premium or something … I am not sure yet tho, but it has seemed to work out quite well for @pippin and now that I think about it he lives just across town so I may sit down with him soon and pick his brain on the subject some.

    As far as more help I’ve always said since day one that i’d welcome other devs to help any way they wished and that the code was GPLv3+ but I’ve not had any bites yet except for the 2 plugins ( and probably more ) that forked early versions of this code and based their plugins on it … not that its wrong to do that but it is strange to do that but not support the grandfathers code that yours comes from etc etc etc

    oh well such is life, i’ll be adding it to Github today with the source mirrored there to try and let more ppl contribute to it if they want …. but i still have to keep it in svn too for releases as thats what release management is tied to ??

    Thread Starter Chris M.


    I would keep the core plugin free and on the WordPress repository and then go the route of “daughter” plugins and paid support (where you could have customizations done, etc.).

    Best of luck man! I am LOVING this plugin so far!

    right something like that … or honestly what I’d rather do it just keep this one awesome and 100% free but I’ve got a few ideas for other plugins that i’ve not seen before and use the “clout” from this one to kinda pimp the others , but still something silly cheap like $5 or whatever, i hate expensive plugins ??

    anyhow back to code for now …. ?? thanks!!

    Thread Starter Chris M.


    It all sounds good… As long as this plugin gets the love it deserves and you don’t get burned out, it’s all good. ??

    Looking forward to the new update!

    P.S. Any chance there will be an aggregated comment count feature that would output to one’s theme? I would LOVE to see that!

    its funny you should ask that, its what i’m working on this moment, its in trunk at but its incomplete still, it only aggregates WordPress and Facebook so far, working on G+ and the others now … so I hope that will make todays update, but if not it will tomorrow for sure …

    look for the line that starts with :
    function gplus_comments_get_comments_number()
    to peek at it if you wish, its commented out tho at the moment till i have it cleaned up and completed today ??

    Thread Starter Chris M.


    Totalllly awesome! Keep it up man…

    Thread Starter Chris M.


    Any update on the gplus_comments_get_comments_number? ??

    Would love to see an aggregated comments output. That would be awesome!

    Here’s to happy developing and a bright(er) future!

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