• Hi guys I am new here…and a total newbie to web design and wordpress in general.

    I am creating a blog site where people can sign up and post about their specific universities that they attend.

    I have created pages for each state listing all of the colleges, but now I need links leading to categories for each school that they can discuss about.

    Obviously, there a ton of colleges in the USA and I need to have these same categories for each school.

    I need to apply the categories to each school, and I heard that there is a script to write to have wordpress do it for me. I was told to make a complete list of all the schools in wordpad which I have done, but what do I do next to make this happen?

    Thanks a lot in advance guys!

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  • Ok sorry, I have not visited this thread recently and had not even logged on to WP.org for a while.

    In my file I added the new code on line #76 in the edit-page-form.php file.

    This allows you to modify categories for pages identically to the way you edit categories for posts. Go to edit the page and on the right side you’ll have a box you can expand to edit the pages, you can select multiple categories and etc…

    anandg: Pages reside outside the wp loop of posts – so they don’t show up in the categories like posts do. I’m sure you can edit more files in the wp-admin to get the functionality you want in the dashboard, it works for me fine right now as it is.

    You can check out the way I have my website set up:


    I just started developing a new theme for my art posts but you can see the old 2 themes in both page/post forms if you browse around. Hope this helps and it wasn’t too late.

    PS. I’m using 2.0.4

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