• Hi guys I am new here…and a total newbie to web design and wordpress in general.

    I am creating a blog site where people can sign up and post about their specific universities that they attend.

    I have created pages for each state listing all of the colleges, but now I need links leading to categories for each school that they can discuss about.

    Obviously, there a ton of colleges in the USA and I need to have these same categories for each school.

    I need to apply the categories to each school, and I heard that there is a script to write to have wordpress do it for me. I was told to make a complete list of all the schools in wordpad which I have done, but what do I do next to make this happen?

    Thanks a lot in advance guys!

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  • Pages don’t have categories.
    Maybe you should revise the organization of your content. Or, at least, try to explain it clearly – somebody might be able to help you.

    Thread Starter sickofchange


    I know pages dont have categories…but I need “pages of categories”…does that make sense?

    These pages of categories are different topics for the users to post and talk about.

    What do u suggest in revising the organization of my content?

    I explained it as clearly as I can, what didnt u get?

    Sorry like I said I am new.

    If by “pages of categories” you mean category archives where posts in a certain category are listed – they are created automatically by WP; just start posting in those categories.

    Unfortunately in your case that would mean creating hundreds (thousands?) of categories – if you want to have a category for every college/institution. That’s the part I see as quite difficult to manage. According to some earlier reports a WP install having many hundreds or thousands categories tend to choke…
    Plus, re-reading your plan: it would also mean thousands of authors…

    Thread Starter sickofchange


    Yeah I figured that would be a problem…

    but there is no way to apply 8 categories or so to each college all at once?

    I’d have to copy and paste them onto every single college? The guy that told me about the script to write involving a list of all the schools was full of it then huh? ??

    Thread Starter sickofchange


    Would making it just one huge forum work better then?

    Probably not lol

    Thread Starter sickofchange



    Moshu keeps saying that pages don’t have categories, this is untrue, they are assigned to the default category normally but you can easily reassign them if you add the following lines to your wp-admin/edit-page-form.php file in the right place:

    <fieldset id=”categorydiv” class=”dbx-box”>
    <h3 class=”dbx-handle”><?php _e(‘Categories’) ?></h3>
    <div class=”dbx-content”>
    <p id=”jaxcat”>
    <div id=”categorychecklist”><?php dropdown_categories(get_settings(‘default_category’)); ?></div></div>

    This will give you the option of assigning the category of each individual page you create or edit it as you see fit. I’m not sure why the wp team hasn’t added this functionallity by default into wordpress. I think older versions of wp treated pages differently but now they’re basically posts.

    Thread Starter sickofchange


    cool thanks a lot man…

    but how do I go about creating all these pages at once so I can assign the categories?

    First off I’m not sure you want to use “pages” for this exercise… because pages are outside the main wp loop. However one thing I did on my site is to use the page architecture, basically assing a page for each state and for each school in that state you can parent it to the state page. I’ll show you a quick example, this is just a quick idea about what you’re trying to do and it may not work for you at all anyways.


    Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the site map, you’ll notice how the Art Gallery functions as a parent for all the individual sub-pages.

    Your question really is a web design question, not so much wp related.

    Thread Starter sickofchange


    okay here is my site:


    I am now having trouble simply creating the categories for people to post in…i create one…then do a test post…but then i click on the category and i get this message:

    main(/mnt/w0002/d29/s02/b028b234/www/collegeblogusa.com/wp-content/themes/misty/category.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/w0002/d29/s02/b028b234/www/collegeblogusa.com/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 33

    Warning: main(): Failed opening ‘/mnt/w0002/d29/s02/b028b234/www/collegeblogusa.com/wp-content/themes/misty/category.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/nf/lib/php’) in /mnt/w0002/d29/s02/b028b234/www/collegeblogusa.com/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 33

    wtf am i doing wrong?

    awesome site btw man!

    I wish i was that talented

    I was just browsing through your site, I didn’t see the error at all. Looks like you have a good start going. One thing you should consider is making a category for each state. This is a pretty big project you have started.

    Thread Starter sickofchange


    okay so how do i go about creating multiple categories at once? without having to do each 1 by 1?

    is it possible?

    I think you have to create one by one, but look, there’s only so many states ??

    Hi e7, you said in a few earler posts:

    add the following lines to your wp-admin/edit-page-form.php file in the right place:

    <fieldset id=”categorydiv” class=”dbx-box”>
    <h3 class=”dbx-handle”><?php _e(‘Categories’) ?></h3>
    <div class=”dbx-content”>
    <p id=”jaxcat”>
    <div id=”categorychecklist”><?php dropdown_categories(get_settings(‘default_category’)); ?></div></div>

    This will give you the option of assigning the category of each individual page you create or edit.

    But where do I add the mentioned code in the edit-page-form.php? What line number for example?

    I just tried the code, but I don’t think it works. You can assign a page to a category, but you can’t see it anywhere. In the Manage Page section you can’t see which pages belong to which categories.

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