How can I resolve this problem???
I have my blog on a shared hosting…I apologize, but I was forced to suspend the script /home/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/ as it was causing a high load on the server, and due to it affecting all of the other accounts on the system, I was forced to take immediate action for the health of the server.
Unfortunately I do not have any specific recommendations for this script, however, in general, adding some sort of caching mechanism, where the script does not need to generate a new page with every request, helps to lower the over load that a script will cause. Likely the original author or support group of the software that you are using will be able to help you to understand how to add something of this nature.
If you reply back to this with your IP address ( we will be more than happy to go ahead enable HTTP access for you, so that you can safely work on the script without it causing further issues. Please let us know how you would like to proceed.
Running Proceses:
—Pass 1—
tripeord 7668 37.5 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7743 34.5 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7668 37.5 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7743 34.5 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7668 25.0 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7743 23.0 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7668 25.0 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 7743 23.0 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:27 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>—Pass 2—
tripeord 8865 0.0 0.0 313784 31940 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/wp-comments-post.php
tripeord 8865 0.0 0.0 328980 47588 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/wp-comments-post.php
tripeord 8920 0.0 0.0 305004 23176 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php
tripeord 8923 0.0 0.0 304060 22508 ? SN 10:28 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/galeria/displayimage.php
tripeord 8920 47.0 0.0 328392 46628 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php
tripeord 8920 51.0 0.0 329416 47944 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php—Pass 3—
tripeord 8920 29.6 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:28 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 8920 22.2 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:28 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 8920 22.2 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:28 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 8920 22.2 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:28 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>—Pass 4—
tripeord 10131 27.0 0.0 314552 32416 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php
tripeord 10131 54.0 0.0 329948 48416 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php
tripeord 10190 0.0 0.0 152160 4232 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php
tripeord 10131 32.0 0.0 0 0 ? ZN 10:28 0:00 | \_ [php] <defunct>
tripeord 10190 30.0 0.0 317892 36224 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/tripeo/index.php
tripeord 10209 16.0 0.0 302508 20704 ? RN 10:28 0:00 | \_ /usr/bin/php /home4/tripeord/public_html/galeria/displayimage.phpMySQL Processes:
Warning: Using unique option prefix verb instead of verbose is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead.Incoming Connections: /tripeo/page/770/?start=64 /tripeo/page/940/?start=810 /galeria/albums/2013/jaybashbabylon/IMG_1250.JPG /tripeo/wp-comments-post.php /tripeo/wp-comments-post.php /tripeo/author/johnny/page/3/?option=com_content&task=blogc /tripeo/ /tripeo/2008/08/21/ricky-martin-es-padre-de-gemelos/ /tripeo/2011/08/01/la-compra-de-alejandrina-tres-carteras-l /tripeo/2012/12/13/5-objetos-que-deberias-llevar-si-fuese-e
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