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  • Plugin Author J.D. Grimes


    Hi @robint,

    I’m assuming you mean that you want each of the usernames to be a link to that user’s profile page?

    There isn’t currently an option for this. One reason is that the user’s profile page link will be different on different sites. For example, some might want it to hook to the default “author” page provided by WordPress. Other people might be using BuddyPress, and have different URLs for the user profiles.

    However, I’ll consider adding this feature in the next version, though it’s possible that it will be too site-dependent. I’ll have to investigate the functions that WordPress provides for getting the user’s URL. Maybe it will really be simple.

    In the mean time, if you are comfortable writing some code, you could create a custom module/plugin that hooks into the wordpoints_points_top_users_username filter, and wraps the username in a link.

    Thread Starter robint


    Hi J.D Grimes,

    I’m looking to link them to; user/%username

    I’m not good at creating any modules/plugins, as I’m not familiar with coding. ( only the basics ).

    If you could point in the area where this coding is however, I’m sure I maybe able to add in a

    Thread Starter robint


    I can’t seem to find it in the “widgets.php”

    Plugin Author J.D. Grimes


    It’s actually in points.php. I linked the filter name to it, but it is hard to see that it is a link because it isn’t blue. ??

    Thread Starter robint


    Can you show me how and where I can hyperlink the username ?

    I’m not great with coding, but I know how to copy and paste ??

    The hyperlink needs to be user/%username% for my site ??

    Plugin Author J.D. Grimes


    Here is a quick WordPoints module I created for you. (There are installation instructions on the site, in case you haven’t done it before.)

    Thread Starter robint


    Didn’t expect you to create a module for me! Greatly appreciated!

    I tried to re-code it, as I realised it wasn’t “username” , but I’m using “display_name” for the permalinks.

    However the spaces aren’t reading as a dash;

    E.g what should be user/arooj-aftab
    loads up as user/arooj aftab – page not found

    I simply renamed user_login to display_name.

    Hope you can help fix this issue.

    Plugin Author J.D. Grimes


    Try user_nicename.

    Thread Starter robint


    Amazing. It worked perfectly.

    Did you receive my email about a “likes” module ?


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