• Resolved geoffkb


    I’m having trouble reducing the top space above the heading on the pages on my site which don’t have a carousel.

    I can’t identify which class is responsible. can someone please point me in the right direction please?


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  • Theme Author eminozlem


    the sub-theme united you choose has additional margin-top 40px for title. You can reset that to zero, and knock of additional margin-top for the single-title too if you want since #content already has padding on top.
    By adding below to your /bootstrap-ultimate-child/style.css

    .page-header, h1..single-title {
      margin-top: 0;

    Theme Author eminozlem


    That’d be

    .page-header, h1.single-title {
      margin-top: 0;

    double dot was obviously a typo

    Thread Starter geoffkb


    I also found a typo in my child style.css, totally unconnected to this issue.

    Thanks for the help, again.

    Thread Starter geoffkb


    I’m having some issues backing up the settings. I get a message that the backup was successful, but there is no file to restore.

    I tried deactivating the theme and reactivating it, but still no backup.

    Theme Author eminozlem


    There is no file. Each backup is saved into DB as a row.
    Don’t you see a list of available backups just next to it ? https://s28.postimg.org/toyb4maf1/ressssss_Clipboard01.jpg

    Thread Starter geoffkb


    No, the list is blank. I had made backups in the past and there was a number of items on the list. Then I made a backup, but no new item appeared on the list. I deleted all backups and despite making new backups several times, and seeing the name of the backup appear briefly in a green bar at the top of the window, the list is still null.

    Thread Starter geoffkb


    I searched for part of the string which I assume to be the name of the backup set and found some instances.

    Here’s a screen shot.

    Is the fact that the autoload column is set to ‘no’ significant?

    I also tried making backups in another site which is part of the same multisite setup with the same lack of results.

    Theme Author eminozlem


    Hmm, yes they are supposed to autoload from the db. Maybe it’s a multisite issue, I don’t use WP multisites. I’ll try setting a multisite if I can replicate this

    Thread Starter geoffkb


    The backups worked initially on this multisite setup.

    Theme Author eminozlem


    I see. If you know your way around php, open up ./panel/inc/eo_backup.php
    and around line 85, you ‘ll see:
    <?php $tr_bups_arr = eo_gen_backup_list(false,true);

    var_dump($tr_bups_arr) and see what it prints out.

    If you want me to have a look, I’ll need ftp & wp access to debug.

    Thread Starter geoffkb


    It probably makes more sense to just give you access rather than go back and forth. I’ll email you, thanks.

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