• My header image isn’t top aligned, though my code says it should be. Could someone please help?

    #header {
    width: 760px;
    position: absolute;
    background: url(images/header_final.jpg) no-repeat top;
    margin: 0px ! important;
    padding: 0px ! important;
    font: 35px Georgia, Arial, Serif;
    letter-spacing: -1px;

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  • Thread Starter halfandhalf


    hey yeah — ominous!

    Thread Starter halfandhalf


    what should I do now?

    Well I played around with it a little more.

    2 choices, save your special markup in a different file,
    reload McFire and start from scratch with a header graphic 1026px wide.

    save your special markup in a different file, take the CSS I was messing with and continue from there. Its at 800px wide right now. Plug in you special markup

    I wonder if there is a way to change the sidebars to floats instead of section you have to mess around with the margins all the time. I will keep messing with it.

    I think the absolute and relative paths and margins is what isn’t workin very well, when you try to make it into a your own theme.

    PS I noticed in your template, you took categories and links off…. will you be adding them back in?

    Thread Starter halfandhalf


    wow, that’s great. I think I’ll kill McFire and go with your markup. Much more trustworthy ;).

    I’ll be able to tool around a bit more around 6:30 EST when I can get to my laptop/PSDs.

    I may not use the categories, as I don’t post enough. I may want to create other separate pages (projects, links, photography).

    Ok, I will finish cleaning it up and post it on my blog somewhere for you to play with this evening. ??

    Thread Starter halfandhalf


    that’s so great. thank you again for your time. i really appreciate it!

    I posted the CSS on my blog.
    Let me know if you need help ??

    Thread Starter halfandhalf


    sure will!

    Thread Starter halfandhalf


    having some problems… starting to look like it did before with the IE issues….ugh

    I see it, the header graphic stays centered. Its a centered layout design to begin with. Here is a hack with my CSS that shifts the graphic over with the rest of the layout,

    See in the Margin area: margin: 0px 500px 0px 0px; Also I positioned it static.

    #rap {
    position: static;
    margin: 0px 500px 0px 0px;
    padding: 0 0 0 0px;
    text-align: left;
    width: 800px;
    background-color: #DCDCDC;

    My sample is on my blog, on the right bottom under Pick a Theme. : )

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