• Hello.

    I have put a Language Switcher in my top menu. Now when the mouse hovers over it, I get an extremely long, multi-line tooltip that appears to contain HTML source. It looks very bad and makes it hard to use the menu.

    Someone asked this before and marked the issue as settled. But the solution they went with seems to disable all tooltips in wordpress. I don’t want to do that. I just want to clean up or remove the tooltip in the language switcher. It seems to me this might involve a change to Polylang. On the other hand, I am surprised few others are talking about this issue in the forum.

    Any insights?
    .pat styles

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  • Plugin Author Chouby



    I get an extremely long, multi-line tooltip that appears to contain HTML source

    I guess this the flag. Some themes rewrite the nav menu walker and are incompatible with images in menu items. Try removing the flags in the language switcher options.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Chouby.

    Hi, I found the same issue, here’s what I found in the html code:

    title="<img src=&quot;&quot; title=&quot;Italiano&quot; alt=&quot;Italiano&quot; />"
    href="***/***/" hreflang="it-IT" lang="it-IT">
    <img src="" title="Italiano" alt="Italiano">

    The “title” it’s completely wrong with a img inside

    Plugin Author Chouby



    @boschiotto4 Indeed the same problem. Your theme is doing things wrong and does not accept images in menu items. Remove the flags in the language switcher options. Or report this bug to the theme author.

    Just Put this in your jQuary plugin

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    jQuery(“li#menu-item-753 a”).removeAttr(“title”);

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