• Hey guys, I have a plugin using Bootstrap in the admin page and the page turns blank cause this error:
    bootstrap.min.js?ver=1:6 Uncaught Error: selector option must be specified when initializing tooltip on the window.document object!
    I found out that was about the Optimizly plugin using the tooltip method that conflicts with it. I fix it just by changing the optimizely/config.js file.
    The change was to turn this:

    $( '#optimizely-tabs' ).tabs();
    $( document ).tooltip({
    track: true

    Into this:

    // handle jQuery plugin naming conflict between jQuery UI and Bootstrap
    $.widget.bridge('uitooltip', $.ui.tooltip);
    $( '#optimizely-tabs' ).tabs();
    $( document ).uitooltip({
    track: true

    Do you think that you could made the change to the plugin or can you suggest me another thing? That conflict error is a known issue.

    Thank you very much in advance guys! ??


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