• Not sure if was a WP update or what, but the query monitor toolbar option is not visible anymore.

    Can my hosting disable the usage of the plugin?

    Already checked and no browser console errors, neither server logs.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    Are you logged in as an administrator?
    Do you have any user role or capability management plugins installed?
    Is the QM menu in the admin toolbar completely gone or does it say Query Monitor?

    Thread Starter alxsimo


    I’m logged as admin.
    No, none of those plugins installed.
    QM menu is completely gone from the admin toolbar, plugin is active of course.

    Also tried removing and installing again.

    Same here for 5 different sites hosted on different servers!

    I have the same issue!

    Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    Can you all try deactivating your other plugins one by one to see if there’s a clash?

    Can you also all let me know whether you can see Query Monitor’s output at the end of the HTML of the page from the View Source menu in your browser?

    Plugin Author John Blackbourn


    WordPress Core Developer

    Also please let me know who you’re hosted with.

    Thread Starter alxsimo


    Disabled RocketWP and one theme plugin and now seems to work..

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