Toolbar not showing
I’m initializing the editor via
in javascript. Is it possible to make the toolbar show there as well?This is what I’m doing. If I’ll manually add the table plugin for example, it will show, but would like to just show the toolbar.
wp.editor.initialize(editorId, { tinymce: { toolbar1: 'formatselect, bold, italic, underline, blockquote, bullist, numlist, alignleft ,aligncenter, alignright, link, unlink, spellchecker, wp_more, spellchecker, fullscreen, wp_adv', toolbar2: 'strikethrough, hr, forecolor, pastetext, removeformat, charmap, outdent, indent, undo, redo, wp_help', plugins: 'charmap, colorpicker, hr, lists, paste, tabfocus, textcolor, fullscreen, wordpress, wpautoresize, wpeditimage, wpemoji, wpgallery, wplink, wptextpattern', }, quicktags: true, mediaButtons: true, inline: true, });
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