• Resolved ehmarketing


    Hi there, I am trying to filter out traffic using the date range, choosing dates in March, but is only showing my the most recent dates. Is this as expected or am I doing something wrong?


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  • Plugin Support WFAdam


    Hello @ehmarketing and thanks for reaching out to us!

    This depends on how far back you have your Live Traffic set to record.

    If you navigate to your Wordfence > Tools > Live Traffic page, you will see a few options here to set this:
    Maximum days to keep Live Traffic data (minimum: 1): you will want to set this to something higher depending how how far back you plan to go back.

    Amount of Live Traffic data to store (number of rows): This option is more important. If your site sees a lot of traffic, you might need to set this higher, but that also means it will take up more database storage.

    I hope this helps!

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter ehmarketing


    Thanks @wfadam for the quick reply, I missed those options!

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