I’ve updated my twenty eleven theme, and now my tool bar is gone.. I do not know code or codex, and the visual editor and html tabs will not toggle back and forth.
I’ll try to walk you through some things but you’ll need to take some time and read some things. Take your time, read through this and try to go slowly with this. ??
First just for completeness sake can you read the 3.5 Master List? If there are parts you don’t get don’t worry. I’m hoping there may be something there that you’ll say “I have that problem” (which would be neat).
Once you’ve read that let’s see if you can diagnose your problem.
Start with the easy stuff:
1. Switch to the Twenty Eleven theme. This is temporary.
2. Deactivate all of your plugins. Everyone of them, no exceptions.
3. Clear your browsers cache and cookies. Don’t skip this step.
Once those steps are done, log back into your WordPress installation and visit your new post page.
Did the Visual Editor work this time?