P3 Performance Profile is an EXCELLENT plugin if you are bad at statistical math. ?? Why? It doesnt give you any useful data.
All it shows you is that out of all the things your page needed to load, wcvendors too up about x% of those resource loading times. And then it puts it in a fancy pie chart so you think you can see what plugins are “hurting” you performance-wise.
What it does not do, is tell you a pie chart of what percentage of the page requires a plugin and then show performance data vs that chart. Look at all the other plugins you have — most will do do basically nothing so will load very fast. WC Vendors is a full featured plugin that has a lot of lookups to do its job.
If you disabled WC Vendors, all of a sudden your pie chart would show some other plugin as taking up 40% or 70% of the pie chart. Does that mean that plugin is slow? Nope! It just means it’s a percentage of the load time.
If you want to test performance, test load times. ( tools.pingdom.com/fpt/ ). Or, better yet, install “Query Monitor” plugin from the free wordpress repository. That will tell you what SQL queries are slow. Query Monitor is the best method, because that tells you exactly what is slow, rather than just saying “Hey, some PHP from this directory has a lot to do”.
If you run Query Monitor and come across some WC Vendors functions that are executing slowly, please do let us know.