Hey @ashish17g,
I’m really sorry to hear you’re having issues with spam accounts. From what I see in our support channels, there are no other reports for spam problems from our users. Based on this, I believe the issue may be isolated to your website.
Are you having this issue even with the reCAPTCHA feature enabled? reCAPTCHA helps combat spam, so I recommend enabling it in SliceWP. Here’s a step-by-step guide on this subject: https://slicewp.com/docs/google-recaptcha/
Also, do you have the “Auto Register Affiliates” option enabled (from SliceWP > Settings > General(tab) > General Settings(section))? If you do, then all new user accounts will also be registered as affiliates. In this case, the spam registrations can be from another source (either from your eCommerce platform, a contact form, etc), and added as affiliates in SliceWP.
Furthermore, I don’t see any support tickets opened by you about this issue. Please contact us via the contact form on our website (here: https://slicewp.com/contact/) with this problem as I’d love to help you combat these spam registrations.
Thank you and best wishes,