• I’ve a budget account with ResellerZoom where I host my own sites. I’ve a blog hosted there, https://www.digitblog.com running WP1.5.2. Now for the past 2-3 days I’ve been noticing that sometimes when I created a post, I got an “Internal Server Error” page(though the post got posted on few occasions, trackbacks not sent at anytime). Also, during these last 2-3 days, the pages in wp-admin have been loading partially, dying after about half or quarter of it has been loaded, be it dashboard or post page. So I contact tech support asking if its a problem with the server & here’s the reply I got:

    We have removed the memory limit per account and applied it to per process to keep it consistent with industry standards. The per process limit for memory are:

    budget = max 10mb per process
    advanced = max 15mb per process
    premium = max 20mb per process

    Now only each process (as it should be) is individually accounted for and if it’s hitting the limit that process should be reviewed. Please see the log details for your accoutn given below.

    Fri Jan 20 04:53:05 2006: /usr/bin/php post.php of digitblog using >13 MB Memory
    Fri Jan 20 04:53:42 2006: /usr/bin/php index.php of digitblog using >10 MB Memory
    Fri Jan 20 04:54:25 2006: /usr/bin/php index.php of digitblog using >12 MB Memory
    Fri Jan 20 04:57:07 2006: /usr/bin/php options-discussion.php of digitblog using >11 MB Memory
    Fri Jan 20 04:58:27 2006: /usr/bin/php index.php of digitblog using >13 MB Memory
    Fri Jan 20 05:16:36 2006: /usr/bin/php af-ela.php of digitblog using >11 MB Memory
    Fri Jan 20 05:17:12 2006: /usr/bin/php index.php of digitblog using >12 MB Memory

    To run this software you would need to upgrade this account to higher plan.

    I’ve WP-Cache 2.0.0 installed along with SpamKarma2-R2, Extended Live Archives 0.9.4 with Skippy’s WP-DB-Backup & WP-Cron, WP-Shortstat, Subscribe 2 Comments 2.0.2 and 1-2 other home-made plugins.

    Now I’m not much familiar with how much memory WordPress uses per process, but using more than 10MB isn’t high? Or does ResellerZoom is allotting too less memory?

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  • What about the memory usage without any plugin?
    Also, what do the homemade plugins do?

    Skippy’s WP-DB-Backup plugin would be my guess as to the cuprit. You say it only happens sometimes… so that would make sense with a wp-cron triggered action.

    10MB would be very high, yes. Many PHP setups are limited to 8MB, which is usually fine.

    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    I don’t know of memory usage without plugins, but as far as I know if I disable WP-Cache2, it’ll be qutite high. As for homemade plugins, one is my own iG:Syntax Hiliter which beautifies code, its used on many sites, haven’t had any issue with it at all. Another one just prepends the url of a redirector for any external links in comments, again not much load intensive IMHO.

    I would’ve thought of this as well, but the thing is that the timing doesn’t concide with WP-DB-Backup’s execution. I don’t manually backup plugin, WP-Cron makes a backup once every 24hrs at midnight. But I’ve had this “pages dying on me” problem at different times, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes in evening & today early in the morning at about 3am as well. So, can wp-db-backup still be in consideration as the source of problem?

    also, if you notice in the logs that I posted, post.php is also going above limit, besides index.php & as I mentioned, when I get the error after publishing a post, the post gets saved in DB but trackbacks don’t go out & I doubt even pingomatic is being sent any ping!!

    Anything that processes the_content could be causing high memory use, especially if it makes multiple copies during processing. I believe preg_zzzz have been known to have decent memory overhead (on large strings).

    But on a WP-Cache page, I believe most of the plugins should be skipped on a cache-generated page. On a fresh regeneration, you’ll have a memory hit as everything turns on. I can’t say with any experience what overhead your plugin, or GeSHi, might have. ShortStat and SpamKarma could both have overhead for different reasons.

    Anyone know of a decent approach for taking a snapshot of memory usage of PHP? Even if run on a custom build, local machine setup?


    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    I’ve my own blog hosted with another host where I’m using all of the same plugins except wp-db-backup, wp-cron & wp-shortstat. I’ve not had any problems there & that blog gets more traffic than this one.

    I’ve disabled the wp-db-backup & wp-cron, lets see if the memory usage comes down!!

    Kill shortstat. I made that plugin and the 1.5 version is a beast. I’ve had numerous reports of it causing sever lag and memory issue. That’ll probably take care of it.

    I’m very, very, very slowly updating for 2.0.

    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    Andy on WP-Hackers asked:

    What’s the SAPI? PHP as CGI?

    so when I asked the tech support, here’s what they replied:

    We run PHP as CGI (phpsuexec). We have increased the limits to 16MB.

    I’ve requested for the fresh memory logs to see if there’s any decrement in usage or is it still high!!

    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    yep, you were right. after I deactivated shortstat, none of the processes consumed more than 10MB!! ??

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