• I’m trying to optimize my keywords and use them in the permalinks. When I do this it stuffs up some of my pages so that they don’t open!!! Aaargh. So it was recommended that I change the permalinks back to the default, but this is not ideal – I want to make the most of my keywords. Can anyone shed any light on this problem???

    My site is https://www.duraglaze.co.nz It’s the Testimonials and Gallery that aren’t opening

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  • Testimonials opens fine, but I can’t find the gallery. All pages that I tried load as expected. You’re using default permalinks, is this what you are working on?

    Thread Starter Tullah


    Oh sorry. I ended up deleting Gallery altogether. It’s strange, I have an Apple Mac – and when I ‘reset Safari’, and ‘cleared the cache’ on my computer, the Testimonials were working again. So I guess I wish I had two computers at home, and preferably one not a Mac, to check the pages. I guess it’s an Apple problem?

    It’s true that I didn’t want to use the default permalinks, I wanted it to be the title of each page, but this changing it always causes problems for me….

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