Thank you for replying.
First I tried making changes in the plugin settings under: After Logout Redirect URL. I tried leaving it blank, entering the home page, or other pages. Just in case there was some conflict, I did the same with the “After Registration Redirect URL” settings as well as Logout Member on Browser Close. No combination of these solved the issue.
I am also using “Simple Membership After Login Redirection” “SWPM WooCommerce Addon” as well as the “Simple Google reCAPTCHA”. I have tried turning them on or off and disabling them in various combinations without effect.
I have tried removing Google Recaptcha from within the plugin as well as deactivation of the main Google Recaptcha plugin.
I use another plugin called “WooCommerce Login/Signup Popup Premium”. It also has settings for redirection. I have tried turning them off an on in combination with simple membership settings. That plugin works without fail when simple membership is turned off.
I deactivated “WooCommerce Login/Signup Popup Premium” and used the login page for simple membership to login and when I tried to logout I still got the too many redirects.
I have cleared all browser cookings and reset browsers a billion times.
I have deleted and recreated the pages in case there was a mistake in the taxonomy.
Following this post:
I tried changing the www part of the addresses and without.
I have tried altering the wp-config.php with the following.
I have done all of these things in various combinations repeatedly.
The only thing that has solved the problem is turning off the simple membership plugin.
Honestly, I’m very tired, and very frustrated.