Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I noticed that my website when visited via redirects to non-www website which is (two times) and then that redirects to

    That has nothing to do with the plugin as it doesn’t do anything with redirects. The redirects are set (on DreamHost) in two places.

    1) In panel you have the ability to redirect www or not. Make SURE that’s set to www

    2) In your .htaccess you have the ability to redirect – has multiple options (pick the one for DreamPress) ??

    Either way, even if you disable the plugin, it will have nothing to do with the redirects. Literally all the plugin does is have WP tell the cache when to empty.

    Hi I also have the same problem.

    My site is tells me there are 19 redirects

    How did you solve it?
    Have you turned off Varnish?

    Hi I have seen through the same tool that I even have 19 redirects.
    My site is

    I’m trying a thousand ways to solve the problem but there seems to be nothing to do.

    The only thing that appears on cpanel is that the url is set correctly without www.

    How did you solve it?

    Look at Varvy’s tool what me from:
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect
    ?301 redirect

    ?Final status code: 301

    Thread Starter sarangsss29


    Check your htaccess code. Get a clean redirect code. If you are on dreamhost hosting, choose the option, leave www and non-www redirect as it is. Also check your cloudflare settings. See if there are any page rules.

    Hi and thanks for your prompt response.

    I kindly ask you to explain the following if you do not mind:

    1 – Did you disable Varnish?
    2 – On Cloudflare, I’ve only enabled SSL in Flexible mode and no other option, but I did not set any rules for the rules.
    3 – Unfortunately I do not have dreamhost. Is it important to put www rather than without www? I always used it without www.

    You put my htaccess, honestly I do not understand much about htaccess. You who are more experienced than me, can you figure out what’s wrong?

    Thank you in advance.

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    Thread Starter sarangsss29


    1-I did not deactivate varnish. It’s still there.
    2- Use Full SSL in cloudflare
    3-If you are using non-www website, then your website is being redirected to www. So choose one and continue using it.

    4-I believe htaccess file is the problem. There’s a lot of conflicting code in it. Too many redirects. Delete the htaccess file or replace it with the default code.

    Here is a sample htaccess code for HTTPS websites:

    # BEGIN rlrssslReallySimpleSSL rsssl_version[2.5.17]
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
    # END rlrssslReallySimpleSSL
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    Hope this helps. There is also some W3TC caching code in there. So you can remove and install the app again to get the caching. If the above code fails, simply delete htaccess file entirely and it will regenerate again.

    Thanks a lot of my heart, I just had to put Full on Cloudflare, delete the htaccess and update the site page and testing Varvy tool now results in Final status code: 200, although it still reports some sorting.

    I really do not know how to thank you heartily … your help was paramount.

    The only thing I can not understand is because in the Chrome error console when I open this page:

    It tells me there are errors for the javascripts recalled.
    For some I mistake 410.

    But if I plug in the browser, the javascript url makes it look no trouble, for example:

    Is an encrypted javascript obviously.

    Forgive me, I’ll rewrite you with the correct url.
    Using google translates and writes what you want.

    Thanks a lot of my heart, I just had to put Full on Cloudflare, delete the htaccess and update the site page and testing Varvy tool now results in Final status code: 200, although it still reports some sorting.

    I really do not know how to thank you heartily … your help was paramount.

    The only thing I can not understand is because in the Chrome error console when I open this page:

    It tells me there are errors for the javascripts recalled.
    For some I mistake 410.

    But if I plug in the browser, the javascript url makes it look no trouble, for example:

    Is an encrypted javascript obviously.

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