• Hello, I have a problem. I want to insert in every posts the custom fields “Music i’m listening”.
    But if i insert the <?php the_meta(); ?> function in the loop, I see also other custom fields in the posts.
    In every posts there are “podPressPostSpecific” and “similarterms” (they are automatically created by some plugins).
    Similarterms… i don’t know.
    podPressPostSpecific is created by Podpress plugin, a plugin that insert a song in a post.
    In the posts when i put a song, there is another custom field: podPressMedia.
    Ok… this is the situation.
    But I want see only the “Music I’m listening” field!
    What can i do?
    I have tried to delete “Similarterms” and “podPressPostSpecific” fields (with Delete Custom plugin).
    But if i try to remove podPressMedia field, i can’t listen the songs in the posts!
    But i want to remove this fields because the output is a confused string of characters…
    What can i do?
    PS: Sorry for my ugly english.

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