Too greedy with similar mapping
First of all thanks for a good plugin!I have experienced a problem when two of my blogs (on the same MU installation) have similar names but one of them should be mapped as a subdomain.
Domains for site 1:
* – PRIMARYDomain for site 2:
* problem that happens is that he links for site 2 becomes:
https://bar.example.comistaI have traced the problem to that str_replace($orig_url, $url, $post_content) is used in domain_mapping.php:604, in the function domain_mapping_post_content().
My solution to help the problem is to use a regular expression and making sure the $orig_url is found, but not as a part of a longer name.
I am using latest version,
My patch/diff looks like this, I hope it can be of use to you.
— a/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/domain_mapping.php
+++ b/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/domain_mapping.php
@@ -601,7 +601,12 @@ function domain_mapping_post_content( $post_content ) {
$url = domain_mapping_siteurl( ‘NA’ );
if ( $url == ‘NA’ )
return $post_content;
– return str_replace( $orig_url, $url, $post_content );
+ // Only replace the url when it is not followed by something that is
+ // part of the URL slug. This to prevent that we replace URLs where
+ // there is a similar one, ‘’, that not should be replaced,
+ // only ‘’ should be replaced.
+ $pattern = “/”.str_replace(‘/’, ‘\/’, $orig_url).”([^\w\-\_]+)/i”;
+ return preg_replace($pattern, $url, $post_content);
##########I was not able to find the same problem in the forum. Good luck in the future!
Best regards
Wilhelm Eklund
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