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  • Andrea Whitmer


    +1. I was actually just thinking the same thing – the favicons are unnecessary and I’d love to have a way to disable them.

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    Yes, but not via settings page.
    You can use the hook multisite_enhancements_autoload to filter the included classes. Each class have a function.

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    As example plugin to unset the favicon feature:

    You find this code, a example for download also in the dev repository:

    	 * Plugin Name: Multisite Enhancements Add-on to remove features
    	 * Description: Thhis plugin remove features from the Multisite Enhancement plugin.
    	 * Plugin URI:
    	 * Version:     2015-12-03
    	 * Author:      Frank Bültge
    	 * Author URI:
    	 * License:     GPLv2+
    	 * License URI: ./assets/LICENSE
    	 * Text Domain: multisite_enhancements
    	 * Domain Path: /languages
    	 * Network:     true
    	! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) and exit;
    	add_filter( 'multisite_enhancements_autoload', function ( $files ) {
    		// Unset the favicon-feature, file class-add-admin-favicon.php.
    		unset( $files[ 0 ] );
    		 * Current are this possible.
    		 *  0 => inc/autoload/class-add-admin-favicon.php'
    		 *  1 => inc/autoload/class-add-blog-id.php'
    		 *  2 => inc/autoload/class-add-plugin-list.php'
    		 *  3 => inc/autoload/class-add-site-status-labels.php'
    		 *  4 => inc/autoload/class-add-theme-list.php'
    		 *  5 => inc/autoload/class-admin-bar-tweaks.php'
    		 *  6 => inc/autoload/class-change-footer-text.php'
    		 *  7 => inc/autoload/class-core.php'
    		 *  8 => inc/autoload/class-filtering-plugins.php'
    		 *  9 => inc/autoload/class-multisite-add-new-plugin.php'
    		 * 10 => inc/autoload/core.php'
    		return $files;
    	} );
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