As per my discussions Jetpack and cloudflare both are not related as cloudflare will only cdn cotents passing through it while jetpack renders images css and jss from its own different domainserver.
– CF will also cache the static files if they have the proper cache-control
header. Jetpack will also change the URLs of the static file which will mean additional network requests for the browser. Choice is yours.
But question is does this “Super Page Cache for Cloudflare” Plugin handles otherwise?
– Yes as the static file URLs will be different they won’t go though CF.
Also Jetpack is unlimited and free (which means best for classified Ads etc website that uses alot of images ) although for simple website jetpack will not be required…
– CF Pro plan (20$/mo) comes with unlimited image optimization (lossy & lossless both) out of the box.
Please tell me should i enable worker in ” Super Page Cache for Cloudflare
– If you have a eCommerce site where normal user will also login or if you just can’t stand the extra cache buster query parameter gets added to the end of URL when a user logged in – then go with worker mode.
But if normal user doesn’t login and only admins manages the website they you can stick with the default page rule mode. The only downside is that in that case it will add the cache buster query string for the the logged in sessions which normal users won’t see. Also page rules are 100% free while in the worker 100,000 req/day is free after which you need to pay: