• orangeguru


    Praise Kitty’s Spaminator! It’s killing hundreds of spam comments. Nutzu.com – or whoever you are – you suck!

    Sorry for the rant … but it shows once again that WP with it’s great plugins (developers) is a great tool!


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  • mikep


    The spammer will use a bot to do the work. As for enabling the blacklist in 1.5, it’s a good idea but as I’m using 1.2.2 (I know, I know) somebody else will have more experience on that.



    In WP 1.5 there is a blacklist form to key in words and a selection to Blacklist comments from open and insecure proxies. I’ve added nutzu and tigerspice, along with holdem and a few others to the black list form. Plus I’ve selected (checked) to Blacklist comments from open and insecure proxies.

    Along with that I’ve selected Before a comment appears:: # Comment author must fill out name and e-mail and # Comment author must have a previously approved comment. My understanding is this will capture all comments, pingbacks, and trackbacks. Those which meet blacklisted requirements will automatically be labeled SPAM and others will wait in the moderation queue.

    Yeah, I’ve been getting majorly hit by this site this past week and Spaminator has killed them all. (Kitten, I love you!)

    trendsurfer, I would say yes, but frankly I have that option checked and Spaminator still was what caused the comments to not appear, apparently. So…I don’t know.



    It could be that the plugin code was used first. (?) ?? Anyway, if I have problems I’ll be installing a plugin too. As a side note, I think what the WP developers did with regard to SPAM in 1.5 is as notable as the theme additions.



    The only plugin I use for spam now is that new one that Matt uses along with the author and several others. Now my site isn’t live per se, but when I turned it off I immediately had spam, turned it on and it was autmoatically in the moderated area. I’e not had one spam message since installing it. I no longer use anything else other than WP’s blacklist in conjunction.



    I don’t use any kind of blacklist to combat comment spam. The only thing I use is Elliott Black’s Hashcash plugin. Works like a charm on my blog and my clients blogs. No blacklist to maintain and no moderation to weed through. And the best thing – spammers get none of my bandwidth to spam me with and their spam is spinning in the cyber-ethers, never to be see again. ?? You just gotta love it!

    I do use a piece of php code to combat referral spam and it has worked very well so far. However, if I start getting referral spam from many different sources, I’ll have to implement something else because that php code checks for the domains IP and then redirects it to the spammers site. All of which uses resources and could slow down my sites load time if the list gets too large. Right now I’m getting no referral spam attempts. If it starts up again I may try coldforged.org .htaccess solution.

    Moderator James Huff


    “Next simplest step is .htaccess to deny the IPs. After that, it’s plug-ins.”

    Actually, most users find it easier to install a plugin than mess with .htaccess.



    Well after all the praise I felt for Hascash, I turned off moderation for comments and got four spam comments from tigerspice. So I’ve added kitten’s spamwords and spaminator as an addition. I wish these spammers would get a life – there should be some law that treats spammers just as harshly as virus writers.



    I’m now getting comment spam directly from rather than via open proxies. (see my earlier post above) Words include chinese, yellow, monkey, ape and p*ker.

    Moderator James Huff


    Jinsan, tigerspice sends their spam via trackback and WP-HashCash only protects comments.

    MikeP, add yellowmonkey to your moderation list.



    Is there ANY protection for spam trackbacks? If not, can an option be made that comments are allowed but trackbacks are not? Presently (unless I’m mistaken) you can only disallow BOTH trackbacks and comments, OR allow both… but you can’t just disallow trackbacks.

    Right now, trackbacks are the main spam problem I’m having.

    I’ve sorted out how to stop spam trackbacks in 1.2 – see my blog at https://www.charlesarthur.com/blog

    Does require tiny, tiny bit of file editing – as in, copy + paste three lines between two files.

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