• Samuel B


    I suggest that you start using FireFox with the developer tools plugin so that you can use CSS information in your browser.

    If you activate CSS -> View CSS Style information, you get a crosshair cursor and when you move that over the page, the status bar will show you the cascading path that is used for that particular item. By following up that path of inheritance in your style sheet, you can easily find where a certain style is defined.

    Hope this helps.

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  • w3central




    Sam, me already has that and loves it very much lol, but me doesn’t have the IE developer toolbar yet.. Thanks for the link w3central.=)




    samboll, this is astonishing. I never imagined something like this. Thanks, this’ll really help fixing things up!



    jimHere, yes it is astonishing. =) And that’s what “most” of the people in here use usually, to help those in need of CSS and XHTML or whatever..types of problems. Well, that’s why people usually ask for those people’s blog links or site links, I mean. =)

    Once they post their url’s, then one can just open their page up, click on view CSS option, and click on the View Source option.. and go to town on the helping process. =)




    “If you activate CSS -> View CSS Style information”

    can someone set me straight on this, all I found is Tools > DOM Inspector which I got when I said yes to Developer tools. Should I redownload FF?

    I want to learn more about CSS in a big way, since getting WordPress is the first time I’ve ever messed with CSS



    After reading this post, I went to firefox.com, and eventually found Extensions, then found this css viewer (2 or 3 pages in).


    After clicking to install, I had to restart FF, then it was there.



    With Web Developer v1.0.2 you should see something like this then: Web Developer S.S.. Along with all them other awesome tools as well. =)




    jimHere, there are other FF extensions which make life with css easier too:

    Aardvark – https://karmatics.com/aardvark/
    View formatted source – can’t find the home link for it right now, do a search for it on the extension pages

    Anonymous User 65643


    For the person who wanted to learn about CSS in a big way I found a decent book called:

    CSS Hacks & Filters: Making Cascading Style Sheets that Work. By Joseph W.Lowrey.

    A couple of good websites:
    Listamatic – has good source code examples and tutorials.

    brainjar.com – has a few good CSS tutorials as well.

    Also check out my CSS resource page on del.icio.us:



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