To breaking point with the stupid visual editor
Why oh why….does the visual editor not respect carriage returns for text in proximity to an image. No trick, or code hacks I have tried has been able fix this.
PLEASE someone give me a suggestion before I start killing people.signed really &3498&YE&RY&! off.
What does the HTML show you?
Switch to html view and add in a break or two
Example, select html tab on the post and view and find the image code and text.
<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/990wtx33.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-368" title="990wtx33" src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/990wtx33.png" alt="" width="125" height="125" /></a> Hello World
Add in a couple of breaks and save!
<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/990wtx33.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-368" title="990wtx33" src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/990wtx33.png" alt="" width="125" height="125" /></a> <br/> <br/> Hello World
There a few lives saved.
Mark this as resolved it it fixes the issue please.
It is hard for me to fully diagnose what you have already tried, or to diagnose any plugin conflicts you may or may not have, and/or your web development experience level if any, so this response may or may not be helpful to you.
If you’re simply talking about an image you’ve inserted by clicking IMG then you may be interested in how to format the IMG tag so that it effects how the text is displayed in proximity to the image… The best way to do so would be modifying the CSS file of your WordPress Theme. (takes a little wordpress/html knowhow or referencing but this would be the professional solution)You could just try inserting
tags in the HTML view after the image, two of them after any image should give you 1 line of whitespace, and + 1 lines for every
tag afterward.The
tag stands for break, and that’s exactly what it does it creates one vertical line break downward from the original text line.Haha, adeptris posts as I’m typing. Between these two posts, I’m guesing you’ll have your solution.
Oh Woe is me… I can see already this is going to be tough to describe. First, I too have much difficulty with Visual Editor (re theme 2010 – 1.2) running WP 3.1.3.
One types out the text, then inserts images at “key points” in the text, and expects the text to “wrap” around the images. But when the “finished product” is actually “published”, it is no where near WYSIWYG. In my case, there are three small images (which have no attached tags) where two are aligned left and the other one is aligned right.
The Editor, I presume should be WYSIWYG, where the text vs images should appear acceptable from a layout point of view. But, when viewing the post after “saving”, the text displays several additional lines of empty spaces, in a random order. During my editing, I’ve also noted that “randomly” a carriage return is ignored and the text is butted against its preceeding text. I’ve re-edited this post a couple dozen times at the least with differing methods of using carriage returns, butting a paragraph to the former, even used “shift-enter” to force a single line space, and the results are randomly different.
Also while editing, and when a carriage return is entered in the text, some of the text will change point size from what I specified as 5 back to “default”. This too is a random error condition. After saving, go back to view, and “sometimes” the font size “has changed” and sometimes it remains as I had previously specified. This change generally affects just one paragraph in the total text produced in the posting.
My thought first was to “try” HTML (and I’m not a programmer by any means) to see if I could decifer “what” was the cause of the randomly imposed extra line spaces, which might be 1, 3, 5, 2 or what ever “it” decides. I saw nothing abnormal.
In summary, it appears that text is the only thing allowed that will appear in some “normal” fashion. And if any image is inserted, watch out because you’ll have no idea what the result will look like, no matter how much re,re,re,re-editing follows to “correct” it.
Conclusion: It is evident that WYSI not WYG as the wrap-around-images does not wrap around where it should, but wraps where IT wants to go.
If this is to remain this way… how ’bout allowing us neophyte users to insert one or more tables in which we can stuff text in one cell and an image in the other. Of course, that too might look “right” in the editor, but who knows what it will look like after it is “published?”
If someone wants to see a bad layout, check out my site at — “I” did not “add” all those extra line spaces by multiple carriage returns, and didn’t mess with the HTML. Sure would be nice to get this problem resolved.
Bill Ford
KIRK… If you’re still lurking
and anyone else having same or similar problems with VISUAL EDITOR in WP3.1.xx while using Theme 2010.
I have FIXED my issue described above. It “appears” that when text and images are co mingled, AND any single character or string of characters (text) has its font SIZE changed, the aforementioned problem exists.
Last night I “re-wrote” the offending post, included the same three pix but did NOT attempt to change the font size. Bold, underline, italicized all seem to work… and as long as the DEFAULT font size is allowed, the resultant saved and published missive appears “normal” and without “extra” line spaces that were not intentionally invoked. I checked the HTML to locate any extraneous
indicators and none were found.The conclusion must be that changing font size, WITH embedded images, interferes with character spacing, resulting in extraneous line spaces that appear to be “extra carriage returns”, thus disrupting the alignment as mentioned.
A “plain” (no images) text posting seems to work okay even when font size is changed from default. When an image is embedded into the target text, the visual editor goes randomly nuts and the appearance of the published work is unpredictable.
One other quirk I noticed was intermittent and random “jerking” up and down of the text material inside the Visual Editor — but only if any of the characters therein had been size changed from default. And, that little bit had nothing to do with an errant “mouse” as I even pulled the plug on mouse and observed the jerking mentioned.
— Bill Ford
Hey Bill. Your note describes a workaround more than a solution, and a Workaround that accepts less features in a post than a contemporary user would expect.
I hope the WP team rolls a fix into the next release. You should be thanked for taking the time to share your observations with the WP community.
cheers.I think somewhere up there was a question . . .
Have you tried:
– deactivating all plugins (yes, all) to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s). Don’t forget the ones in mu-plugins. If you can’t get into your admin dashboard, try resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.
– switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.
Well, magic…. you’re still “lurking”…
Thanks Kirk for your comment… ‘preciate that! At an age of 74, I’m still “learning” lots of things in my retarded-ment. I’m the kinda guy that when told it can’t be done, I go ahead and do it anyway. Some work, some don’t. But I’m “detail oriented” and can’t stand being beat, so I try my best (albeit tiring) to figure a way ’round the problem.
I’m quite new at this WP stuff, so, it’ll take a learning curve period for me to figure out the “how-to’s.
Best to you Kirk…
Bill Ford
Joshua Tree CA — middle of he Mojave Desert.
Thank you sir for your response…
Interestingly enough, I read elsewhere about deactivating plug-ins, and deleating unused. I had already done that (I had only 3 plug ins on my relatively new site). That didn’t change anything in the Visual Editor, and as of today, I have theme 2011. The problem persists in a test that was not publically posted.Not being a “programmer” I can only analyze and expound on observations and any annomolies that seem to be present during the fault, then try to figure a way around it.
BTW…. what IS “mu-plugins”?
How are you trying to change font size in the visual editor? Normally font size is set and changed in the css.
Basically everything in the editor and on the dashboard is run by javascripts. If there is a problem there it could be the computer, the browser, or corrupt/misbehaving javascripts. Getting rid of plugins removes their potential javascript errors.
Try a different browser to rule out a browser problem.
Make sure your java is current,
mu is multi-user wordpress now replaced with networks.
On the Visual Editor screen, above the type-it-here screen, there are two rows of “buttons” featuring, bold, italic….. link, unlink, etc. Below that row on the left is a “button” titled “Format”. When clicked a drop-down appears, in which are titles such as: Paragraph, address, preformatted, HEADING 1,2,3,4,5 & HEADING 6. The smaller the number the larger the font where 5 would be roughly equiv to 12 pt type. Highlighting selected text, then invoking Format, select the “size” and the text changes to that chosen size — albeit with currently squirrely results to the general layout of the text file, if there are any imbedded images.
Computer…. an XP, IE8 AND I even tried Google Chrome with same results. I had removed (as in deleted) the three plug-ins I had but the same problem persisted. As far as Java is concerned, I only do that first thing in the morning — straight outa the pot. Now, if this were back in the days of B.A.S.I.C. (circa late 70s-mid 80s) I’d be able to hold my own, but this era ain’t that era. Back then, I’d program something from the bottom up — that is, I’d set what “results” I needed then programmed the thing as subroutines to accomplish the task.
When it comes to CSS, JAVA scripts, PHP and even HTML, they are beyond my comprehension, although HTML is a little easier to understand. And, at my age, I ain’t got the time to learn 4 or 5 new languages — hell, I have enough trouble with English and Spanish as it is! ??
But, hey kmessinger; I do appreciate your kind input. It certainly helps — such as mu for multi user…. makes perfect sense. As SPOCK might say, “… interestingly logical.”
Ok, you are doing it correctly although not many changes would be done with that – paragraph headings, etc.
Can you repost your example page?
And the java test link – all you have to do is click on it – if you have the current version it will say so, if not, it will give you a link to clink on and auto-install it.
Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code – yes, brings back terrible memories of TRS80’s, programming on tape – when the current changed the tape would slow down or speed up and everything would go to hell. The good ole days.
I didn’t just trash the errant example, I ensured it wasn’t there in case there “might” be a conflict… so, I deleted it permanently just in case. Of course, I could recreate a “sample” for you if you like and post the URL to that page.JAVA… jeeeeze… I hope it doesn’t come with cream ‘n sugar. Ruins the stuff. I did the “test” which resulted in:
No working Java was detected on your system.
Install Java by clicking the button below.I have not “yet” installed it. I’ll wait till 2 in the morning for “downloads” at a time when bandwidth is “wider”.
BASIC… ahhhh yes. Trash 80s they waz… The RS tape decks did have the problem of maintaining a constant speed… we used a makeshift constant current/voltage in lieu of the batteries. Back then, we were lucky to get “PONG” to run right. Say, do you remember Harv Pennington’s TRS-80 DISK & OTHER MYSTERIES manuals/books? Quite a series we had. I was just the Publications Director, not the programmer writing the books. How ’bout the first wordprocessor that could globally search and replace a character or string of characters… we called that “software” Electric Pencil – written by Mike Shrayer out of Arizona. Our (we were called IJG COMPUTER SYSTEMS) first trash 80 was put to work as a jewler’s diamond appraisal system as the “owner” of IJG (which stood for International Jewelry Guild) was a certified Appraiser by the Gemological Institute of America. That’s basically how we got into the “biz” of writing stuff for appraisals. Our first device was actually written and operated on a TI-59 programmable “calculator” with a printer attached. When the trash 80 came along, we thought we were in financial heaven. The technology moved forward so fast that we couldn’t keep up… but we had fun (and decent profits) while it lasted.
My personal “first” box was an AMSI kit… booted up with toggle switches and a punched tape !!!! Then I’d sit there watching the idiot lights blink… and didn’t know why.
Back to the “example page”, to get back on point. The current “version” is at … I can recreate the “other” version and post that too.
— bf
I checked that page in IE7,8 and 9. Also in FF, Chrome and Safari. I ran it through here,
As blogs go, it looks fine to me. Was there a particular area that was wrong?
You should also upgrade to the latest version of WordPress.
Well, good to know that all those browsers “see” it okay. And, I didn’t know about the “is my blog working” site… I’ll save that info. Thanks.
Latest v of WP is of course, 3.2.x I had not decided “yet” to upgrade. One of the fundamental reasons goes way back prior to Bill Gates (et al) in that I’d prefer all the others out there who just “need” to have the latest and greatest on their systems… and report on the bugs as they come up. After a while, the quantity of “bugs” being reported slows down considerably in a short few months as the vendor issues “fixes”. That’s about the time “I” get more interested in “upgrading”. However, given that I’m new to WP in the first place, I surely couldn’t do any worse with 3.2 than I am with 3.1.3. I still have bad memories of “upgrading” things when the upgrade would sometimes overwrite stuff and/or “block” use of data in the previous version. So, I’m a bit “gun shy”. Which brings up a question. On WP, it appears, but I’ve not gotten any confirmation, that one can utilize more than one THEME on the same site. I’m actually afraid to “install” the theme 2011 and then find out that it “took over” what was already accomplished on 2010. As you can see “kmessinger” (I wunner what his first name is) I’m still learning how to navigate this new (to me) world of running a web site.
“…a particular area that was wrong?” Well, geographically speaking, the “added line breaks” that I didn’t impose were placed in what I have to describe as “random” locations but certainly associated with the image. While the text would “wrap” around the image, in doing so, it would inject the equiv of 3 to 5 or 8 (pick any number) breaks. Tell ya what… just for the grins of it, I’ll recreate some text, insert a couple images and resize the font. Oh, and it didn’t matter if I resized the text (the whole text — I wasn’t resizing just a word or sentence or a single paragraph. A global resize of all the text) before or after inserting the images. If I inserted any image into a resized text batch the problem popped up. No image… problem goes away. Or, no resizing but with images (as you saw) no problem. If I typed my text (default font size), inserted images, THEN resized the font, the problem is back. There is a definite correlation between images embedded into resized font text.
Let me recreate another so one can “see” the results. Oh… HTML for break “
” (I wunner if that will show up here)… I looked for that based on another in this thread that spoke of using that as a means of “increasing” line spacing. I found none at all and I had not inserted any.Film at Eleven…
I’ll post the URL for the squirrely display when I get posted.
Hey… you good people my friend, you’ve stuck with this. Much appreciated sir.
I just noticed something else. As I type “this”, the font is Times New Roman… which I don’t believe was the case in my previous reply, and the resultant font of the previous reply is san serif. Hmmmm. maybe I have something going on in my machine. I just went to my site to “look” at the post you saw, came back here and experience this annomoly. I’ll keep a watch on what happens after I post this message.— bf
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