“tmptitle” failure when processing large posts.
Hello Wayne, hope you’re doing ok.
I’ve got a user trying to post “large” posts (~20Mb).
Postie looks to be crashing, just a bunch of “tmptitle”/”tmppost” entries.
Memory on the server is 512MB, wordpress is allocated 256MB.
Max upload is 32MB, max post is 64MB.
Here’s the debug postie is spitting out.
Starting mail fetch WordPress datetime: 2017-03-24 13:49:34 Postie Version: 1.8.35 Wordpress Version: 4.7.3 PHP Version: 5.6.30 OS: Linux a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net 2.6.32-673.26.1.lve1.4.15.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 17 09:01:31 EDT 2016 x86_64 POSTIE_DEBUG: On Error log: error_log TMP dir: /home/sc14446217/public_html/wp-content/uploads/ Postie is in /home/sc14446217/public_html/wp-content/plugins/postie/ cURL version: 7.36.0 Cron: On Alternate Cron: Off wp_content_path: /home/sc14446217/public_html/wp-content memory at start of email processing: 47410184 postie_getemails: Connecting to a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net:995 (pop3-ssl) postie_getemails: procol: pop3-ssl Connecting via Socket Socket: tls://a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net:995 Socket error: 0 - socket read (1) :+OK Dovecot ready. socket write: STLS socket read (1) :-ERR TLS is already active. socket write: USER [REDACTED] socket read (1) :+OK socket write: (login) socket read (1) :+OK Logged in. postie_getemails: listing messages socket write: STAT socket read (1) :+OK 1 27165887 pop count: +OK 1 27165887 socket write: LIST socket read (3) :+OK 1 messages: socket write: TOP 1 1 socket read (55) :+OK postie_getemails: fetch 1 socket write: RETR 1 socket read (348350) :+OK 27165887 octets parseStructure: headers Array ( [return-path] => <[email protected]> [delivered-to] => [REDACTED] [received] => Array ( [0] => from a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net by a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net (Dovecot) with LMTP id 4T/mMAVq1ViDLwcAVW3TlQ for <[REDACTED]>; Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:48:37 -0700 [1] => from mail-oi0-f46.google.com ([]:36510) by a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net with esmtps (TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:128) (Exim 4.87) (envelope-from <[email protected]>) id 1crUGK-0028T3-Ns for [REDACTED]; Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:48:37 -0700 [2] => by mail-oi0-f46.google.com with SMTP id r203so5793746oib.3 for <[REDACTED]>; Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:48:16 -0700 (PDT) [3] => by with HTTP; Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:47:14 -0700 (PDT) ) [envelope-to] => [REDACTED] [delivery-date] => Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:48:37 -0700 [dkim-signature] => v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=1JpMpFBLpHnvnBli1NxpYWl1AB6K2hEgtv+UF20R0Nk=; b=J35gVQGP3yo3kqu5N+Un8p7UuF0GXKHQICSyyc2pZWkT06UJgNP7GNRw3U/n4y3T9R Q6miHTnOHzDHEhmDZT0yTS6gouiaXIq2lMY5/AbOE6i/+xcp9QW7JTeH/fHSQilHQ0HS PiSauR9jmTPxo/MqMupRCvLp2c7ntyu9bfXRF32sATSfbvr8EyLsB/YaTUdMQRmpnFw/ IOSD4iK6g8Z4iCqYxvdpMOvV8e1Ky/NC7IHrbfdJv24l/xbxoNnl/mhezdOI+/0ThfE9 UvC5AHla+Dv8CnA2WXqGjwpo2+HXKIniDy3vOJ68THIQvhbFb/PPdFPfymtZ1f9cM653 Uhrg== [x-google-dkim-signature] => v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=1e100.net; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date :message-id:subject:to; bh=1JpMpFBLpHnvnBli1NxpYWl1AB6K2hEgtv+UF20R0Nk=; b=elI5ZQuK+ZRIKNIa3+Glwzy1k3suY26uZ82go7YvF1fzcztQOb8U3AtyYbc1K8xt4f ZQUeHJFMpEj1jyXinulkU9w0O2fDMzGDRd4fBbejCU7Oor22CMjM7NuQ56duylNjyOca pmzOaaqYHt18NhbRW7pGuACoTuKZxhnLZ371Vho260JHMr2UMfOtjhpcUMMUzrpbNFwU pI+Ui9VqNDy1MqgMjkCO1cSzVCQyHkNQgqa2L1Hv88w65o4IMgYpLGM+/IQ3uPzqd7qO 7qlRT8m34SP/YhoS2k4bCxnXlXXhyA0lfK8xluHPiwpOr6efwDtAQQijLWZOD7dIfZ5A +1Cg== [x-gm-message-state] => AFeK/H1oRNCVUcIXf5ZEyxW4eNX5uwOLrmAlM3Mzb+uKt90XuVuuGSTZfzNve87lt9UUw3bewo5FVdxNz1wxyA== [x-received] => by with SMTP id b187mr5587843oia.43.1490381274621; Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:47:54 -0700 (PDT) [mime-version] => 1.0 [in-reply-to] => <CAC9G4NijEn3gEff5Fe0_ijoROe1UqY6KYcbVYc+7yASWx0z4cg@mail.gmail.com> [references] => Array ( [0] => <CAC9G4Ngjw0ERo1931a-wvxDjSMeQmxCXzaH4cF3xuBprbv4jFg@mail.gmail.com> [1] => <CAC9G4NijEn3gEff5Fe0_ijoROe1UqY6KYcbVYc+7yASWx0z4cg@mail.gmail.com> ) [from] => Array ( [personal] => William Sparks [mailbox] => ghawblin [host] => gmail.com ) [date] => Fri, 24 Mar 2017 14:47:14 -0400 [message-id] => <CAGnkoTTUVZQcJpX_NrbR-7WpoM6pqMXbkyrHzUh2Qm-XOz+0Cw@mail.gmail.com> [subject] => Fwd: Military Perks and Discounts [to] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [mailbox] => [REDACTED] [host] => springchaseapartments.com ) ) [content-type] => Array ( [value] => multipart/related [fields] => Array ( [boundary] => 001a113cc516769496054b7e6ef8 ) ) ) parseStructure: headers Array ( [content-type] => Array ( [value] => multipart/alternative [fields] => Array ( [boundary] => 001a113cc51676948f054b7e6ef7 ) ) ) parseStructure: headers Array ( [content-type] => Array ( [value] => text/plain [fields] => Array ( [charset] => UTF-8 ) ) [content-transfer-encoding] => quoted-printable ) parseStructure: headers Array ( [content-type] => Array ( [value] => text/html [fields] => Array ( [charset] => UTF-8 ) ) [content-transfer-encoding] => quoted-printable ) parseStructure: headers Array ( [content-type] => Array ( [value] => image/jpeg [fields] => Array ( [name] => Daniel.jpg ) ) [content-disposition] => Array ( 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[value] => image/jpeg [fields] => Array ( [name] => IMG_4613.JPG ) ) [content-disposition] => Array ( [value] => inline [fields] => Array ( [filename] => IMG_4613.JPG ) ) [content-transfer-encoding] => base64 [content-id] => <ii_j0mt96ir2_15afcb68d421cef4> [x-attachment-id] => ii_j0mt96ir2_15afcb68d421cef4 ) parseStructure: headers Array ( [content-type] => Array ( [value] => image/jpeg [fields] => Array ( [name] => IMG_5148.JPG ) ) [content-disposition] => Array ( [value] => inline [fields] => Array ( [filename] => IMG_5148.JPG ) ) [content-transfer-encoding] => base64 [content-id] => <ii_j0mtb8083_15afcb8002214b59> [x-attachment-id] => ii_j0mtb8083_15afcb8002214b59 ) parseStructure: headers Array ( [content-type] => Array ( [value] => image/jpeg [fields] => Array ( [name] => IMG_5163.JPG ) ) [content-disposition] => Array ( [value] => inline [fields] => Array ( [filename] => IMG_5163.JPG ) ) [content-transfer-encoding] => base64 [content-id] => <ii_j0mtbu8n4_15afcb870ef098f9> [x-attachment-id] => ii_j0mtbu8n4_15afcb870ef098f9 ) handlePart: type multipart/related handlePart: type multipart/alternative handlePart: type text/plain handlePart: quoted-printable handlePart: charset UTF-8 detected handlePart: converting UTF-8 to UTF-8 handlePart: no disposition set handlePart: text extracted handlePart: type text/html handlePart: quoted-printable handlePart: charset UTF-8 detected handlePart: converting UTF-8 to UTF-8 handlePart: fixing up html handlePart: no disposition set handlePart: html extracted handlePart: type image/jpeg handlePart: base64 handlePart: disposition_fields filename: Daniel.jpg handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: type_fields filename: Daniel.jpg handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: multipart/related: <ii_j0mt3i7j0_15afcb280dfb38e6> handlePart: cid: ii_j0mt3i7j0_15afcb280dfb38e6 (Daniel.jpg) image/jpeg handlePart: type image/jpeg handlePart: base64 handlePart: disposition_fields filename: DSC_2149.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: type_fields filename: DSC_2149.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: multipart/related: <ii_j0mt8at11_15afcb5eb9ec2371> handlePart: cid: ii_j0mt8at11_15afcb5eb9ec2371 (DSC_2149.JPG) image/jpeg handlePart: type image/jpeg handlePart: base64 handlePart: disposition_fields filename: DSC_2268.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: type_fields filename: DSC_2268.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: multipart/related: <ii_j0mtfitl5_15afcbb10fd6d35b> handlePart: cid: ii_j0mtfitl5_15afcbb10fd6d35b (DSC_2268.JPG) image/jpeg handlePart: type image/jpeg handlePart: base64 handlePart: disposition_fields filename: IMG_4613.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: type_fields filename: IMG_4613.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: multipart/related: <ii_j0mt96ir2_15afcb68d421cef4> handlePart: cid: ii_j0mt96ir2_15afcb68d421cef4 (IMG_4613.JPG) image/jpeg handlePart: type image/jpeg handlePart: base64 handlePart: disposition_fields filename: IMG_5148.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: type_fields filename: IMG_5148.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: multipart/related: <ii_j0mtb8083_15afcb8002214b59> handlePart: cid: ii_j0mtb8083_15afcb8002214b59 (IMG_5148.JPG) image/jpeg handlePart: type image/jpeg handlePart: base64 handlePart: disposition_fields filename: IMG_5163.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: type_fields filename: IMG_5163.JPG handlePart: revised mimetype: image/jpeg handlePart: multipart/related: <ii_j0mtbu8n4_15afcb870ef098f9> handlePart: cid: ii_j0mtbu8n4_15afcb870ef098f9 (IMG_5163.JPG) image/jpeg postie_getemails: html filter_CleanHtml: checking filter postie_cleanhtml filter_CleanHtml: Looking for invalid tags filter_CleanHtml: <div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:trebuchet ms,sans-serif"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><br><br><br><div dir="ltr"><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><img width="444" height="296" src="cid:ii_j0mt3i7j0_15afcb280dfb38e6"><br>?</font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">For all of our military families, to show you the honor and appreciation so deserved, we offer great discounts and perks! </font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><font color="#000000">As you may already know, Spring Chase is located approximately 20 minutes from Moody Air Force Base.</font> <font color="#000000">We provide a discount to active duty military personnel! The military discount is five percent off the rent amount. Our military personnel do not pay application fees ($75.00) or the security deposit ($300.00). Instead they pay a $100.00 reservation fee that will be applied against the rent owed at the scheduled move-in date.</font></font></div><div> </div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><img width="122" height="183" style="margin-right:0px" src="cid:ii_j0mt8at11_15afcb5eb9ec2371"><img width="277" height="183" style="margin-right:0px" src="cid:ii_j0mt96ir2_15afcb68d421cef4"></font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><img width="132" height="87" style="margin-right:0px" src="cid:ii_j0mtb8083_15afcb8002214b59"><img width="132" height="87" style="margin-right:0px" src="cid:ii_j0mtbu8n4_15afcb870ef098f9"><img width="133" height="87" style="margin-right:0px" src="cid:ii_j0mtfitl5_15afcbb10fd6d35b"><br>?<br></font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">You also have many amenties you can enjoy free of charge right here in the community!! Check it out! We are a gated community with two beautiful swimming pools, a new gym furnished with new low impact equipment, a computer lab, a tennis court, an in-house business center, a library and cameras throughout the property! Oh... and did we say....We have an absolutely awesome location! We are within walking distance of Super Walmart, The Valdosta Mall, the movie theatres and several great places to eat! </font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><br></font></div><div><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Spring Chase Rocks!! Come by and visit us and take a tour. You won't be disappointed!! Pets Welcome!</font></div></div> </div><div class="m_-117412577602720316gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><br></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div><br></div><div id="DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2"><br> <table style="border-top:1px solid #d3d4de"> <tr> <td style="width:55px;padding-top:13px"><a href="https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail&utm_term=icon" target="_blank"><img src="https://ipmcdn.avast.com/images/icons/icon-envelope-tick-round-orange-animated-no-repeat-v1.gif" width="46" height="29" style="width: 46px; height: 29px;"></a></td> <td style="width:470px;padding-top:12px;color:#41424e;font-size:13px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:18px">Virus-free. <a href="https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail&utm_term=link" target="_blank" style="color:#4453ea">www.avast.com</a> </td> </tr> </table><a href="#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2" width="1" height="1"></a></div> postie_getemails: deleting 1 socket write: DELE 1 socket read (1) :+OK Marked to be deleted. postie_getemails: closing connection socket write: QUIT socket read (1) :+OK Logging out, messages deleted. There are 1 messages to process Array ( [add_meta] => no [admin_username] => [email protected] [allow_html_in_body] => 1 [allow_html_in_subject] => 1 [allow_subject_in_mail] => 1 [audiotemplate] => <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="https://www.google.com/reader/ui/3247397568-audio-player.swf?audioUrl={FILELINK}" width="400" height="27" allowscriptaccess="never" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" wmode="window" flashvars="playerMode=embedded" /> [audiotypes] => Array ( [0] => m4a [1] => mp3 [2] => ogg [3] => wav [4] => mpeg ) [authorized_addresses] => Array ( [0] => [REDACTED] [1] => [REDACTED] [2] => [email protected] ) [banned_files_list] => Array ( ) [confirmation_email] => both [convertnewline] => 0 [converturls] => 1 [custom_image_field] => 0 [default_post_category] => 1 [category_match] => 1 [default_post_tags] => Array ( ) [default_title] => Live From The Field [delete_mail_after_processing] => 1 [drop_signature] => 0 [filternewlines] => 0 [forward_rejected_mail] => 1 [icon_set] => silver [icon_size] => 32 [auto_gallery] => 0 [image_new_window] => [image_placeholder] => #img%# [images_append] => 1 [imagetemplate] => <a href="{PAGELINK}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" width="{MEDIUMWIDTH}" height="{MEDIUMHEIGHT}" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-{ID}" /></a> [imagetemplates] => Array ( [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a> [no_wrappers] => <a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{CAPTION}" title="{CAPTION}" class="attachment" /></a> [wordpress_default] => <a href="{PAGELINK}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" width="{MEDIUMWIDTH}" height="{MEDIUMHEIGHT}" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-{ID}" /></a> [thumbnail_left] => <div style="float:left;margin-right:10px;"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{CAPTION}" title="{CAPTION}" class="attachment" /></a></div> [thumbnail_right] => <div style="float:right;margin-left:10px;"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{CAPTION}" title="{CAPTION}" class="attachment" /></a></div> [robert_felty] => <div style="margin-right:10px;background:black;color:white;padding:2px; width:{MEDIUMWIDTH};float:left"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{MEDIUM}" alt="{CAPTION}" title="{CAPTION}" class="attachment" /></a><div style="padding:.2em;text-align:left">{CAPTION}</div></div> [postie_legacy] => <div class="postie-image-div"><a href="{IMAGE}"><img src="{THUMBNAIL}" alt="{FILENAME}" title="{FILENAME}" style="border:none" class="postie-image" /></a></div> [custom] => ) [input_protocol] => pop3-ssl [input_connection] => sockets [interval] => tenminutes [mail_server] => a2plcpnl0806.prod.iad2.secureserver.net [mail_server_port] => 995 [mail_userid] => [REDACTED] [maxemails] => 0 [message_start] => [message_end] => [message_encoding] => UTF-8 [message_dequote] => 1 [post_status] => draft [prefer_text_type] => html [return_to_sender] => 0 [role_access] => Array ( ) [selected_audiotemplate] => google_reader [selected_imagetemplate] => wordpress_default [selected_video1template] => vshortcode [selected_video2template] => simple_link [shortcode] => [sig_pattern_list] => Array ( [0] => --\s?[\r\n]? [1] => --\s [2] => -- [3] => --- ) [smtp] => Array ( ) [start_image_count_at_zero] => 0 [supported_file_types] => Array ( [0] => application ) [turn_authorization_off] => 0 [time_offset] => -5 [video1template] => [video width="568" height="320" {FILETYPE}="{FILELINK}"][/video] [video1types] => Array ( [0] => mp4 [1] => mpeg4 [2] => 3gp [3] => 3gpp [4] => 3gpp2 [5] => 3gp2 [6] => mov [7] => mpeg [8] => quicktime ) [video2template] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a> [video2types] => Array ( [0] => x-flv ) [video1templates] => Array ( [simple_link] => <a href="{FILELINK}">{FILENAME}</a> [small] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="128"height="96"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="128" height="96"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="128" height="110" scale="tofit"></embed> </object> [medium] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="320"height="240"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="320" height="240"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="320" height="260" scale="tofit"></embed> </object> [medium_widescreen] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="270"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}" /> <param name="autoplay" value="no" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <embed src="{FILELINK}" width="480" height="270"autoplay="no" controller="true" type="video/quicktime" pluginspage="https://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" width="480" height="290" scale="tofit"></embed> </object> [large] => <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="https://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="480"height="360"> <param name="src" value="{FILELINK}
Any ideas or solutions for this?
Is there a “max” filesize postie can handle?
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