Tittles messed Up on single products with newest update
WP ecommerce single products now have the name of the company twice. Its never done this before. Link to a product is here..
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<title>360 LED Bay Light 200W 6 BAR – LED CorporationsLED Corporations</title>
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<meta name=”description” content=”LED Corporation High Bay Lights And Low Bay Lights. Bay Lighting Wattage Range From 40W to 250W. The 100W LED Bay Light Replaces A 400W HID.”/>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Bay Light, Bay Light Catalog SP-7009 APPLICATIONS LED Corporation High Bay Lights, Bay Light Specification”/>
<link rel=”canonical” href=”https://ledcorporations.com/products-page/led-lights-360-signature-series/360-led-bay-light-200w-ul-listed-dlc/” />
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