• Hello.
    I couldnt notice the exact moment but suddenly when I do a search in google for my site cafemoreno.cl or for some key words (orquestas para matrimonio), in chile, the tittle and description are now a mess. I went obviously to the pages and everything seems normal, no changes done.
    This is the description:
    ダイジェット工業(株)(ダイジェット) [MSNM650S10C] 頑固一徹【2015ショップ?オブ?ザ? イヤー受賞店】。【AST】ダイジェット工業(株)(ダイジェット) [MSNM650S10C

    I searched for this text and noticed that there are several wordpress sites wit the same issue. Anyone knows what is the reason and how to fix it?

    Thanks a lot!

    Sammy M

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