Titles for RSS feeds in Meta Widget
How can I edit the titles in my Meta Widget for the Entries RSS and the Comments RSS features? My blog is here: https://www.christianityetc.org/blog
Hi Mika, I just try to operate my computer and all of its various programs by punching keys on my key pad. I don’t always understand how they do what they are suppose to do or exactly what they are doing, and I certainly don’t understand very well how to fix problems when I encounter them.
I punched the “download” icon to get the fresh copy of the WP 4.1 program, and I saved it into my website. I know how to access my website and the files that I have created for its operation through the File Zilla tool. I use it all of the time to add new material to my website. The WP software configures all of the codes for my blog and its features and posts. I have never written any code for any of its contents or displays or operations! I just depend upon the WYSIWYG editor and the plugins to do all that for me. So I don’t know what I need to do to get this fresh copy of the WP 4.1 software into the right place where I can transfer its fresh codes into the remote directory for my blog on the host’s server for my website. Your help with this process would be appreciated.
I can problem turn off all of my current plugins, but I don’t think that either the Twenty Fifteen or the Twenty Fourteen themes will work with the settings for a 3-column display of my blog. I haven’t spotted an appropriate theme to install as a test, and a technician for my current theme, Suffusion, indicated that my problem with the subordinate titles in the RSS feeds was not being caused by the theme, but it was being caused by some settings in the WP files.
I’m sorry to be so dense in regard to the operation of this program, but I guess that why there are professional technicians to deal with some of these matters.
I recognize that everything on the server for my website has to be accessed over an internet connection, which means that it is not on my local computer, but the copies of these files that in the folders for my website that on my local computer can be opened and managed “offline”; so I understand that the fresh copy of the WP 4.1 software is not on my computer where it can be accessed or managed “offline”. But I still need some “expert” technical help to fix my problems and refresh my WP blog. I appreciate your assistance with this, so please stay with me. Thanks
Mika, I have fixed the initial problem that I had with the subordinate titles of the RSS feeds by just deactivating the SEO Title Tag plugin. So the duplication of my blog’s title, A good blog, in these citations was not being caused by any theme.
So I don’t need to “remove and to replace” a lot of files and folders in the operation of my WP blog. I would still like to install a new theme for its display and I should probably refresh the files that are controlling its operation, but I may hire a technician to help me with these procedures.
I thought that since you indicated that the fresh copy of the WP files was not “on my computer” but that it was on the server for my website that I wouldn’t be able to see it or access its files when I was “offline”, but that is not the case. Its folders and files can still be displayed to me from its citation in My Documents-Christianityetc-Website-Blog. How can that be, if they are not “on my computer”? I really don’t understand that! I can’t display my website or my blog if I’m not “online”. If you could explain this to me, I would be glad to learn from you. Thanks.
Mika, I have fixed the initial problem that I had with the subordinate titles of the RSS feeds by just deactivating the SEO Title Tag plugin. So the duplication of my blog’s title, A good blog, in these citations was not being caused by any theme.
Awesome! I’m marking this post resolved.
I’m currently not available for hire to do basic website/webhosting training, but a quick run down of things is that you pressed the download button inside your WordPress admin. You didn’t tell us that. Since you (per your own statement) don’t know what you’re doing, you must be explicit in telling us what you did do. We cannot be expected to read minds ?? Pressing that button downloaded the zip to your server. That’s how that happened.
Your server is not your computer. Your server is another computer, sitting in a big bank of computers, that runs your website.
If you don’t understand how all that works, you may want to check into the WordPress for Dummies book: https://www.amazon.com/WordPress-For-Dummies-Computer-Tech/dp/1118791614/ref=pd_sim_b_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=1KC12YWQQ4BMKHX8PGAG
It’s written by a friend of mine, and it’s really helpful.
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